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Rethinking Catalogers' Professionalism

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2011, v.22 no.1, pp.95-116
Park, Ok-Nam
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The study aims at identifying catalogers' perception of competencies in cataloging. The study focuses on cataloging and classification knowledge, library systems, materials, metadata formats, authority control, foreign language, computer skills, and interdependence and personal skills. It discusses the gap between previous studies and catalogers' perceptions of competencies required for the job. It provides implications for cataloging education. It has values in that the study as an exploratory study urges continuous studies to identify how catalogers' perceptions are changed according to information environment. It will be a base to develop job descriptions for catalogers.

정리사서, 자격요건, 목록교육, 전문성, 설문조사
