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A Study on the Construction Methods for Author Identification System of Research Outcome based on ORCID

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2013, v.24 no.1, pp.45-62
Cho, Jane
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Since research articles aren't be fixed in particular system, author name of articles have been handled not by authority control but by unique identifier. While unique identifier has a tendency that moves toward open-transparent global link system, lately ORCID has been initiated. ORCID is not only link diverse existing ID system as a partner, for example, publisher's ID systems, university's research assessment systems, manuscript tracking systems but also let researchers self-claim by themselves to identify their own articles. Though, since ORCID run based on overseas' publications, it is not appropriate to adapt ORCID shortly to Korean researcher's identification. So this study suggests the direction of domestic researcher's identification system by applying ORCID.

학술 연구 결과물, 저자, 학술 연구자, 이름 식별
