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Progress and Activation Strategies of Information Service in the School Library

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2013, v.24 no.2, pp.49-69
Song, Gi-Ho
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The purpose of this study is to analyze status of information service and to suggest its activation strategies after establishing its category in the school library. As a result of establishing scope and contents of information service, materials of information offering and guide are converged on reading education and information literacy curriculum integrated subjects. But the arrival rate of information service is very low like 48.2% under the 2012 Korean Libraries' Management Evaluation. It is especially poor to raise self resilience and school participation of students with information service involved in the affective domain such as readers' advisory service and bibliotherapy. In order to activate its information service, there is an urgent need for systems improvement in placement of the teacher librarian. It is also necessary to reinforce the status of information literacy instruction under the nation-level curriculum and continuous base expansion as a core information service of the school library. Service development for readers' advisory service and bibliotherapy is also needed to contribute to solving problem and stress situation of the student. The school library has to make an effort to connect its information service with local communities for the school community.

정보서비스, 교육서비스, 학교도서관, 사서교사, 정보활용교육과정
