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A Study on the Levels of the Instructional Activities by Korean Teacher-Librarians

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2014, v.25 no.1, pp.153-171
Chung, Jin Soo
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This paper detailed the content and methods of the instructional activities of teacher-librarians in Korea. Using Kuhlthau's levels of education model as a theoretical framework, the study analyzed its data on the direct instructional activities the Korean teacher-librarians reported. The participants included four researchers in school libraries as well as the high school teacher-librarians in Seoul. Written survey were conducted for researchers and teacher-librarians respectively. The results show that there exists a gap between the theoretical emphasis on instructional activities of teacher-librarians and the practice of teacher -librarians in schools, and that the level of instructional activities has not yet advanced fully to the high levels of instructional activities. Future efforts should be made on developing legal as well as educational systems to support advancing the instructional levels of teacher-librarians. Integrating information literacy curricula into the national-level curriculum for public education could be a good example.

사서교사, 교수활동, 교수자 역할
