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A Study on the Ego State Types of Teacher Librarians

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2014, v.25 no.2, pp.77-95
Song, Gi Ho
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The purpose of this study is to analyze ego state types of teacher librarians by using egogram of the Transactional Analysis. It is the ideal ego state types for teachers that NP (Nurturing Parent), A (Adult) and FC (Free Child) are much higher than CP (Critical Parent) and AC (Adapted Child). But the teacher librarians are under higher CP and AC rather than A and FC. It means that the teacher librarians consider their values and belief as right things. Also it seams that they have not a conciliatory attitude but a hardened attitude that emphasize rules and standards. These ego state may be obstacle to their instructors role under the constructivist learning environment highlighting self directed learning of students. So, in the training course for the teacher librarians, informational and educational service course and development programs of education contents and instructional materials should be reinforced in order to strengthen their teaching competence and partnerships.

사서교사, 자아 상태, 자아 유형, 교류분석, 이고그램
