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An Expansion of Affective Image Access Points Based on Users' Response on Image

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2014, v.25 no.3, pp.101-118
Chung, Eun Kyung
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Given the context of rapid developing ubiquitous computing environment, it is imperative for users to search and use images based on affective meanings. However, it has been difficult to index affective meanings of image since emotions of image are substantially subjective and highly abstract. In addition, utilizing low level features of image for indexing affective meanings of image has been limited for high level concepts of image. To facilitate the access points of affective meanings of image, this study aims to utilize user-provided responses of images. For a data set, emotional words are collected and cleaned from twenty participants with a set of fifteen images, three images for each of basic emotions, love, sad, fear, anger, and happy. A total of 399 unique emotion words are revealed and 1,093 times appeared in this data set. Through co-word analysis and network analysis of emotional words from users' responses, this study demonstrates expanded word sets for five basic emotions. The expanded word sets are characterized with adjective expression and action/behavior expression.

이미지 검색, 이미지 색인, 감정색인, 동시출현단어분석, 네트워크분석, 이용자 반응기반
