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A Study on Performance and Prediction Factors in College and University Libraries using Statistical Analyses

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2014, v.25 no.3, pp.191-214
Kim, Giyeong
Choi, Yoonhee
Kang, Jaeyeon
Go, Pyeongjin
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The goal of this study is an exploratory statistical analysis of the university and college library statistics in the Academic Information Statistics System(rinfo.kr) governed of Korean Education and Research Information Service(KERIS) with performance measures based on sustainability. For the goal, we adopt a preprocessing method to develop change-rate variables by considering preceding predictive elements and succeeding performance elements, and to control external factors, such as size and socioeconomic factors. Then we execute a series of factor analyses and multiple linear regression analyses. 13 factors are extracted by the factor analyses and some sets of significant variables affecting the performance measures are identified through the regression analyses. Based on the results, we discuss the problem of out-lier and low correlation between variables. A suggestion for developing new variables is also discussed based on low effect sizes of the developed regression models. We hope that this study contributes to diffuse discussions on statistics system, evaluation, and further library management based on sustainability.

대학도서관통계, 지속가능성, 자원기반 성과요소, 외부변인 통제, 극단값, 성과기반 통계
