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Study on eBook Acquisition Model based on Patron-Driven Acquisitions

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2015, v.26 no.4, pp.105-121
Cho, Jane
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PDA model is new collection development method not only corresponding user's demand, but also expensing acquisition budget effectively. In the PDA model, when the trigger that indicates user's demand reaches up to treshold, e-book is automatically purchased without librarian's interrogation. This study examines concept, basic principles, and current condition of operation about PDA and finds a way that could applicate to Korean university library foreign E-book consortium. Current model of university library e-book acquisition pursuit reduction of budget and utility value, but the selected collection is not based on user's demand. Therefore, it could be considerable to apply PDA or evidence based purchase model to foreign e-book acquisition consortium.

PDA 모델, 컨소시엄, 전자책, 증거기반 수서 모델
