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A Study on the Materials at Libraries for the Disabled: Focused on the Analysis of Related Policies and Legislations

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2016, v.27 no.1, pp.135-155
Baek, Rokdam
Kim, You-seung
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The study aims to discuss issues on alternative materials for the disabled. For the purpose, it analyzed related policies and legislations. As a theoretical study, it explored definitions and types of altermative materials, and discussed a history of the information access rights for the disabled. Then, the study analyzed the disabled service part of the library development master plan. Futhermore, it discussed library act, disabled welfare act, and copyright act which define the rights and responsibilities of the interested groups. Based on the analysis, the study conducted interviews with members of the interested groups to explores their acknowledge and perspective. As a result, it argued the problems related to production and service of alternative materials, and provided five enhanced strategies.

대체자료, 도서관발전종합계획, 도서관법, 장애인, 장애인복지법, 저작권법
