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An Analysis on the Perception of Public Librarians about Lifelong Education Tasks: Focus on Incheon Metropolitan City

Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science / Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2016, v.27 no.3, pp.51-73
Kim NamJi
Cho Jane


This study analyzes on the perception of public librarians about lifelong education tasks in public library using Mann Whitney U-test, Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient, Multiple regression analysis. At the same time, analysis about re-education needs using Analytic Hierarchy Process is conducted. As result, at first, 87% of respondents feel moderate or difficult about lifelong education tasks, especially on planning task. At second, librarians who have qualification about lifelong educator feel easier (P=0.04) than others, in detail, task about lecturer liaison (P=0.04) and planning (P=0.05). Adding that, the career experience and the job difficulty of librarians has negative relationship (R=-0.217). Especially scheduling (R=-0.33) and progressing (R=-0.22) tasks show statistically meaningful. At third, as the result of Multiple regression analysis, tasks about planning (P=0.04) and library marketing (P=0.05) are selected as meaningful elements which effect overall difficulty of life long education job. As final, 91% of librarian need retraining for life long education function, as result of spearman (R=-0.210), the more librarians feels difficult about life long education jobs, the more they need retraining. Anyway, as the result of priority of retraining subjects through AHP technique, user communication (CU P=0.310), planning (PL P=0.246), library marketing (LM P=0.173) are in weight order. CR ratio shows 0.146 with permissible degree.

평생교육, 도서관, 사서, 직무 난이도, 재교육

Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science