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A Study on the Improvement of Public Library Workflow Using Process Innovation

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2017, v.28 no.4, pp.393-413
Noh, Dong-Jo
Kim, Young-Mi
Oh, Dong-Geun
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This study will explore the possibility of applying process innovation as a public library for business innovation. In order to do this, the study defines the concept of process innovation through the literature review. According to survey and focus group interviews with librarians working for public libraries, this study will organize work done at libraries into the following categories: acquisition, resource management, user management, user services, programs, volunteer management, marketing, library computerization system, facility management, general affairs and statistical management. In addition, through face-to-face surveys with librarians working for public libraries it is confirmed that there are issues within acquisition, user management, and applied process innovation. In response to these issues a new process has been developed. Using this new approach, book contract procedure and requests for book related work could be improved and optimized. In the user management section, the study analyzes the requirements and subscription procedures for members through a website survey of 30 public libraries in the United States and then provides an improved system through process analysis of the membership process of Korean public libraries. It is expected that the new system will contribute to improvements in user satisfaction as well as improvements in library workflow.

프로세스 이노베이션, 프로세스 리엔지니어링, 업무 혁신, 공공도서관, 수서, 이용자 관리
