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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN1229-2435
  • E-ISSN2799-4767

공공도서관의 청소년들에 대한 봉사에 대하여 - 학교도서관과의 협조적 측면에서

As for Services of the Public Libraries toward the Youth

한국비블리아학회지 / Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
1978, v.3 no.1, pp.39-55
한윤옥 (홍익대학교 사범대학 부속여자 고등학교)


The following results have been driven out from a survey of the actual conditions of the public libraries service in Korea, made through questionnaire in reference with the actual service for youth that are presently done by the foreign countries' libraries, in order to prepare a perfect and objective base in establishing a service activities of the public libraries in this country: (1) It was found that the public libraries' loarning hours during the week days which accords with the schooling hours of the schools are shown to 50 %. On Saturdays during Summer season seven libraries and during Winter season twelve libraries would close their loaning before 17 : 00 hours, and on Holidays and Sundays fifteen libraries are not doing their loarning. (2) The followings are the present status of the service activities for the youth by the public libraries: a. It was found that they do introduction activity (50 %) of newly published books as a service for inducing reading interestings of the youth, and except this it was found that others are on beginning. b. The service activities by the data for the visual and auditory sense are almost negelected. and the rate of doing such activity is shown to 9.74%. c. It has been found that little information service activity is for inducing the youth to the libraries. d. As a cooperative activity with the school's, a passive service activity to have pursuaded to visit the public libraries by each class, are mostly being done (27.27%). Some research meeting for solving all the matters between the school libraries are not held mostly.

