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A Study on Trends and Perceptions of Spatial Changes in University Libraries

Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science / Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2022, v.33 no.3, pp.31-54
Jaeyoung Chung
Heejeon Kim


This study is to suggest the direction of the spatial change of the university library based on the trend of the spatial change in the university libraries and a survey on the perception of the librarians. For this purpose, the characteristics of the spatial change of the university libraries from 2000 to 2020 were analyzed, and the problems of the spatial change of the university libraries were identified through a survey. As a result of the survey, there was a total of 99 spatial changes in the university libraries nationwide over the past 20 years, including new construction, extension and remodeling. In recent years, it was found that due to the university’s budget tightening policy, the university libraries focus on remodeling rather than new construction or extension. The characteristics of the spatial change were analyzed as follows. First, the resting areas have been expanded in the libraries. Second, The libraries are in pursuit of pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. Third, the libraries aim to establish an innovative and creative space. All these changes have been made in order to accommodate the requests of users and increase the number of users. It was also found that spatial change has advantages in these two points: providing various spaces and increasing the number of library visitors. On the other hand, spatial change has the problems such as the increased cost of maintaining the facility and the lack of management manpower. Additionally, a few more problems of spatial change are pointed out: first, spatial change only reflects the trend of the times without making a big change in the services and the actual value of the university library. Second, it has made university libraries standardized losing each library’s own characteristics. This study suggests that the spatial change of the university library should secure the distinctiveness of the university library, accommodate various changes, and aim for the symbolism that can prove the value and existence of the university library.

University Library Spaces, Space Change, Space Planning, Space Strategy, University Library
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Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science