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Big Data Platform for Public Library Users: Focusing on the Cultural Programs and Community Service

Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science / Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2022, v.33 no.3, pp.347-370
SoYoung Yoon


Most public library websites provide unstructured cultural program data, which cannot be produced and utilized systematically as bibliographic information. It is not sufficiently used in existing library big data research or cases, and there is a risk of disappearing when the website is reorganized or the person in charge is changed. This study developed a data schema that can be used in conjunction with bibliographic data by collecting and analyzing cultural programs and community service data produced in an unstructured manner and proposed to share and utilize public library cultural programs and community service data, and establish a library big data platform that can serve as an information channel between librarians who are cultural program planners. Library program data posted on the library website can be integrated and managed through the platform, securing continuity of work, and systematically managing and preserving the specialized service history of individual libraries.

Big Data Platform, Public Library, unstructured data, Data scheme, Library Cultural Program
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Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science