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A Study on the Operation of a Collaborative Repository of the Regional Central Library: Focused on the Busan Metropolitan Library

Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science / Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2022, v.33 no.3, pp.55-76


The 3rd Library Development Plan raises the need to secure space through the establishment of a regional repository library as the issue of holding books is highlighted as a common problem in public libraries. The Korean Library Law Act also impose the responsibility of integrated management of local library materials on the regional representative library. Accordingly, this study aimed at Busan Metropolitan Library, which is operating a collaborative repository in earnest among regional representative libraries, and investigated the operation status of the collaborative repository and the perception of public librarians about the collaborative repository. The data necessary for the study were obtained through surveys, interviews, field surveys, and internal data analysis. Through this, the purpose of this study was to provide basic data that will help the Busan Metropolitan Library to operate the collaborative repository efficiently in the future, and at the same time, to present basic data that can be used as a reference for the operation of the collaborative repository of the representative libraries of other regions.

Collaborative repository, Regional central library, Collaborative preservation, Collection preservation, Busan Metropolitan Library
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Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science