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Bibliographic Information and Subject Information Linked to Textbooks to Support Self-directed Creative Learning of Elementary School Students in Online Environment

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2023, v.34 no.2, pp.93-114
SoYoung Yoon
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In accordance with the educational paradigm that values self-directed creative education, school libraries and public libraries emphasize self-directed learning support through curriculum-linked programs as their main tasks. For self-directed learning, it is essential to provide learner-centered educational knowledge information, and there should be abundant textbook-linked references that can deepen and expand the curriculum reflected in textbooks. This study established KDC-linked information related to unit and cross-curricular learning topics through the analysis of elementary school textbooks and curriculum-linked books, restructured KDC system based on major subjects in the elementary school curriculum, and established a curriculum-linked subject information. Libraries can strengthen support for self-directed creative learning for elementary school students in an online environment by linking library content targeted for each user with elementary school education content focusing on learning topics in the curriculum.

Textbook Classification System, Self-directed Learning Support, Customized Services, School Library
