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The study on User Requirements for Virtual Reality (VR) Content Services in Library Using the Technology Acceptance Model

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2024, v.35 no.3, pp.227-246
Kyung Jae Bae
Sun Young Kwon
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This study aims to identify the current usage patterns of VR content among users and their demands for VR content services in libraries. An online survey was conducted, receiving responses from 229 individuals with experience using VR content. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) analysis revealed a good model fit, indicating that users’ perceptions of the usefulness and ease of use of VR content are significantly related to their satisfaction and intention to reuse VR content. These findings suggest that to enhance satisfaction with VR content services in libraries, it is essential to improve user convenience and create an immersive environment. Additionally, respondents indicated that VR content services could increase library user satisfaction and the intention to revisit the library. The most preferred VR content themes were games (action, strategy, etc.), travel, and space/ocean, in that order. While the overall feedback on providing VR content services in libraries was positive and filled with anticipation, some respondents expressed concerns about the potential lack of utility and the possibility of poor equipment management.

Virtual Reality(VR) Content Service, Public Library, Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), User Study
