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The study on the Information Policy Vision of Science Technology in the 21s1 century

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
1998, v.9 no.1, pp.115-135
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The purpose of this paper is to propose the vision for information policy of construction technical information in the era of Knowledge Revolution Society and to contribute global economy as well as domestic in the cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Information and Communication. For these we consider the scope of construction technical information, and the concept of the policy on it, and propose information classifications briefly. Also, we examine the currency of information policy in domestic and abroad. It is also examined domestic present condition of government, public corporation, construction industries. The 4 strategies for Information Policy of Construction Technology in the 21st century are presented as follows i ) Acknowledgement on the change of condition in the 21st century ii ) Paradigm shieft of Information Policy of Construction Technology iii) Development of Information Infrastructure of Construction Technology iv) Presentation of vision on the Information Policy for focused construction field

