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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In this study, the self-esteem instability of overt and covert narcissists was investigated. Thirty-three overt narcissists, 45 covert narcissists, and 67 controls were selected from 345 college students. The self-esteem scale along with scenario questionnaires was administered to evaluate self-esteem instability under virtual situations where evaluative feedback was given. Lastly, to evaluate self-esteem instability in natural situations, the three groups were asked to send in a diary by e-mail detailing their major life events and self-esteem every night for 5 days. Under the context of virtual evaluative feedback, covert narcissists showed significantly higher self-esteem than the overt narcissists and both narcissistic groups showed significantly higher self-esteem compared to controls. In natural situations, although not statistically significant, narcissist groups showed a tendency of exhibiting unstable self-esteem compared to controls, and the highest instability was present in covert narcissists. The results of this study are discussed from the perspective of clinical observation and advanced research. The key findings and limitations of the present study are also discussed.
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