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Review of Crime scene feature for Homicide offender profiling


People hardly ever Homicide, so people think to that people is strange. But most of Homicide is in a minority related mental factor and is involved in the other many factor(Howitt, 2002). Statistically, nevertheless the number of deaths of Homicide more than that of traffic people afraid of Homicide and thought one of the most dangerous crime(Lee, 2002). Because damage bring Homicide as well as threat of life is hard to take recover fully and the damage of family of the deceased will be huge(Lee, 2010). Many scholar argue that these Homicide crime brings to poor socio-economic, family disorganization and failure community, one of them argue that brings to community admire or do justice to a culture of violence(Sampson, Raudenbush, & Earls, 1997; Sampson & Wilson, 1995). A many variables of social, culture, and personal coexist together when the Homicide take place, the officer(detective) of must be know that. But when the Homicide case investigation many detective start to investigation such as understand of cases or select the suspect by first idea or intuition. If intuition of appearance on the crime scene match up with the essentials of the case the case will be short, on the contrary to this the officer cannot help having unsolved cases. Therefore if it possible offer to the officer with more objective and empirical study, the error of uncertainty of investigation of Homicide cases will be can reduce. This is pre-study for crime scene behavior analysis appeared homicide crime scene, the causal, the feature and the investigation of Homicide, besides review theoretical foundation of crime scene analysis of homicides. Especially, this study review behavioral variables of homicide crime scenes force to possible scientific and objective investigation. When Criminal decides the offence, they must be have the answer what is the need of finish the crime and how exits the crime scene and attempts the avoid detection(Beauregard, & Bouchard, 2010). Thus criminal should to that in the strategy with how exits the crime scene and attempts the avoid detection(Cornish, & Clarke, 2002). In the crime scene reflect the feature of the criminal with thought highly of crime. This study review previous studies for that crime scene behavior of Korean homicides verify whether of difference or not. Hereafter, the study need to analysis with real homicide crime cases, besides it's necessary to study of relation between alcohol and feature of homicide crime, get wired DB on psychological, social and cultural feature of homicide offender.

살인의 특성, 살인 수사, 범죄자 프로파일링, 범죄자 유형, 살인범죄현장행동, Feature of homicides, Homicide investigation, Criminal profiling, Offender classification, Crime scene behavior of Homicide
