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From Firm Hands to Forbearance: The Effect of Embodied Self-Regulation on Mitigating Delay-Discounting


Based on the theory of embodied cognition, this study investigated the effect of bodily posture associated with self-regulation on economic decisions involving delayed rewards. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: Firming condition where participants were asked to clasp a pen firmly against their palm and no-firming condition where participants were asked to hold pen loosely between their index and middle fingers. While maintaining the respective bodily posture, participants were then asked to make a series of monetary decision, which involves choices between smaller, immediate rewards (SIR) and larger, delayed rewards (LDR). The results demonstrated that, compared to those in the no-firming condition, participants in the firming condition were more likely to discount the value of delayed rewards in a lesser degree and choose larger, delayed rewards (LDR) instead of smaller, immediate rewards (SIR). The effect, however, was significant only when the size of LDR was small. The implication of this finding was discussed.

embodied cognition, delay-discounting, delayed rewards, discount rate, self-regulation



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