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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the different types of product placement and exposure time of PPL on brand recognition and brand attitude. In addition, we hypothesized that the types of product placement and exposure time will have interaction effect on brand recognition and brand attitude. To achieve this goal, the experiment was designed by 3 single exposure times (low/medium/high) x 2 types of product placements (on-set placement/creative placement) within subject factor. The total of 133 undergraduate students were recruited and asked to watch movie and then to answer questions about the brand recognition and brand attitude. The results of this study were as follows. First, the on-set placement had higher effect than the creative placement did on brand recognition. Second, the degree of single exposure time of PPL had positive effect on brand recognition, and the high condition(9-12 sec.) of single exposure time of PPL had higher effect than the low condition(1-4 sec.). Third, there was no interaction effects between the types of product placement and single exposure time on brand recognition. On the other hand, there was a significant interaction effect between the types of product placement and single exposure time on brand attitude. In the case of creative placement, the attitude toward placed brand had higher tendency when single exposure time of PPL was presented longer. However, in the case of on-set placement, the medium condition of single exposure time of PPL produced a higher brand attitude than the low condition or high condition did towards placed brand. These results suggest that exposure time of PPL may represent an important variable on PPL and indicate that the appropriate level of exposure time is different in terms of product placement type.
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