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The influence of product placement in negative context on store recall and attitude according to cognitive styles


In the study, an experiment design was a two-way mixed factorial design of 2(placement style: external/internal) × 2(cognitive style: analytic/holistic), placement style was a within-subject variable. Both placement style in a negative context and cognitive style were independent variables, store recall and store attitude were dependent variables. The findings showed that there were main effects and interaction effects on store recall and attitude when placement style and cognition style were changed. In an external store recall, analytic persons got a high score than holistic persons but there was no difference between two groups in terms of internal recall. Besides, attitude was changed as placement style in two groups and all participants gave above median value in external placement. The major research finding suggests that external placements unrelated negative events can be useful in one of real product placement styles.

PPL, negative context, placement style, cognitive style, recall, attitude



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