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The Effectiveness of Shopping Search Ads: The Role of Result Type and Product Assortment of Advertising


As the demand for online shopping increases, advertisers’ interests in shopping search advertising are also increasing. This study conducted two experimental studies to examine the effectiveness of shopping search ads. Study 1 examined the effects of two types of shopping search results(a shopping search ad versus a top organic search result) on purchase intention. This study demonstrated that the top organic search result led to higher purchase intention than the shopping search ad. This study also found that inferences about consumer ratings mediated the effect of the types of shopping search results on purchase intention. Study 2 examined the effect of the product assortment of shopping search ads(low brand awareness products only versus both high and low brand awareness products) on purchase intention. This study found that the shopping search advertising composed of both high and low brand awareness products (versus the search advertising composed of only low brand awareness products) led to higher perceived attractiveness of the assortment and higher perceived utility of search advertising, which in turn led to higher purchase intention of the target product.

shopping search advertising, search result types, product assortment of shopping search ads



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