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메뉴The effects of water temperature and salinity on embryonic development and spat survival of mussel Musculista senhousia were investigated. Embryos were incubated in water ranging from 0 to 35℃ and with salinity from 5‰ to 40‰. Mussel spat were tested in water from 0 to 40℃ and with salinity from 0‰ to 100‰. The optimal conditions for mussel embryos were 20-25℃ and salinity from 25‰ to 35‰, based on Within this temperature range, higher temperatures correponded to a shorter duration of the embryonic period. Optimisation of mussel spat survival was at 25-35℃ and salinity from 30‰ to 40‰; both values are higher than those for embryo, which hinted M. senhousia embryos are more vulnerable than spat. Temperatures below 15℃ were lethal for embryos, making temperature a feasible method with which to control the large population of M. senhousia in ark-shell farm during its spawning period.
본 연구는 2004년 2월부터 2005년 1월전라북도 군산시 고군산군도에서 통발어구로 채취된 피뿔고둥을 조사하였다. 피뿔고둥의 뚜껑에 나타난 윤문은 년 1회 형성되며 주 윤문 형성시기는 7월에서 8월로 조사되었으며, 초륜 형성기간은 13개월(1.08년)로 나타났다. 각고(SH)에 대한 각폭(SW)의 성장식은 SW = 0.7867 SH - 6.3988 (<TEX>$R^2$</TEX> = 0.8604), 총중량(TW)의 상대성장식은 TW = 0.0000626 <TEX>$SH^{3.206}$</TEX> (<TEX>$R^2$</TEX> = 0.8324)과 같이 나타낼 수 있었다. 연령(t)에 대한 각고(SH)와 총중량(TW)의 von Bertalanffy 성장식은 다음과 같다. <TEX>$SH_t=199.653(1-e^{-0.104(t+2.478)}$</TEX> <TEX>$TW_t=1484.105(1-e^{0.104(t+2.478)})^{3.206}$</TEX>.
Based on 1,260 samples, the age and growth of purple whelk, Rapana venosa (Valenciennes) (Gastropoda:Muricidae) have been investigated. The samples were collected monthly during one year time (from February, 2004 to January, 2005) from the West Sea of Korea. The age of R. venosa was determined by the ring of the operculum analysis. The relationship between whelk’s shell height and ring radius in each ring group was expressed as an equation of linear regression and later a correspondence in each ring formation was determined. Based on the monthly variations in the marginal index (MI) of the operculum, it was assumed that the ring of this species has been formed once a year during the period from July to August. The relationship between shell height and shell width was expressed by the equation [공식](R²=0.8604); and between shell height and total weight by the equation [공식] (R²=0.8324). The purple whelk’s spawning period was estimated through the fatness analysis and has occurred during the period from May to July. Obtained results suggests that the ring formation occurs once a year (in July) and the length of time period since the first ring has been formed on the operculum is approximately 13 months (1.08 year). The purple whelk’s growth curves for shell height and total weight fitted to the von Bertalanffy's equation and were expressed as follows: [공식] [공식]
본 연구에서는 높은 변이를 나타내는 6개의 Microsatellite DNA 유전표식을 이용하여 독도지역에 서식하고 있는 자연산 전복집단의 유전적 다양성 및 집단구조를 파악하여 동 서 남해의 6개 지역집단과 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과 독도지역의 유전적 다양성은 6개 지역집단보다 높게 나타났으며 유전적 거리에 의한 유연관계 분석 결과에 있어서도 이들 집단과는 독립된 집단으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 6개 지역집단에 있어 방류전복의 높은 혼획비율에 의한 자연산 집단의 유전적 다양성이 축소되어진 결과라고 생각되어진다. 따라서 독도집단의 높은 유전적 다양성을 유지하고 보존하기 위해서는 이 지역의 유전적 다양성을 고려한 체계화된 전복종묘의 방류가 이루어져야하며, 방류를 한 이후에도 지속적인 유전학적 모니터링이 필요하다고 생각되어진다.
This study was conducted to investigate the genetic characteristics of wild population of Pacific abalone, Haliotis discus hannai in Dokdo island. We used six polymorphic microsatellite marker to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure. The loci Hdh1321 and Hdh512 had the highest number of allele (34 and 22 respectively) and loci Hdh145 and Awb083 had the lowest (5 and 7 respectively). The mean number of allele per locus was 14.8. The average observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.664 and 0.824 respectively, and the average FIS was 0.195. We compared the population genetic parameters of Dokdo population with previously published data of the same species. At the result, the parewise FST test showed significant difference between the Dokdo population and six populations (published data), suggesting that the genetic relationship of Dokdo population was separated from six populations.
본 연구에서 우리는 다양한 종류의 패각을 사용하여 진주패각에서 나타나는 컬러 및 광학적 현상에 대해 비교 분석하였다. 다양한 종류의 패각의 진주층 단면 및 표면 SEM 이미지와 FFT 시뮬레이션을 수행했다. 그리고 반사율 측정을 통하여 패각에서 나타나는 광학적 현상에 대해 규명하고 패각의 광학적 현상에 의해 모패를 감별하기 위한 데이터를 구축하였다. 또한 패각의 진주층 구조에 기인한 회철현상을 바탕으로 하여 여러 각도의 분광반사율을 측정해서 보는 각도에 따라 패각의 색이 달라지는 현상에 대해 분석하였다.
Optical properties and color analysis of nacreous layers were performed using various pearl shells. The cross section and microstructure of the surface in each nacreous layers were observed through a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), and the diffraction pattern on SEM images was analyzed using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). Through these analysises, it was verified that the color and optical characteristics are closely related to the structure of nacreous layers. Incident angle-dependent reflection spectrum was used to examine the phenomena of color differenceas the direction of observation. Quantified values on the color change were obtained by CIE L*a*b* color scale. Using this research, database for the characteristics of natural pearl shells can be established, and the precise analytic method for observation of pearl shells was suggested.
One Iravadiid shell Iravadia (Fluviocingula) elegantula (A. Adams, 1861), from the brackish waters in Kangwon-do was recorded as new to the Korean molluscan fauna. The shell is typically solid and narrowely ovate-conic. The protoconch is small, planorboid to depressed dome-shaped, typically with a minute first whorl. Including the new records in this study, the family Iravadiidae contained 2 genera and 3 species in the Korean water.
해수 및 양식 참굴의 중금속 농도를 분석한 결과 일부 지역에서 간헐적으로 기준치를 초과하였지만 아직까지 뚜렷한 오염 현상은 확인되지 않았다. 그러나 기존 조사한 결과와 비교하면 미량이지만 증가 추세를 보이고 있어 지속적인 감시 및 관리체계 구축이 필요하다고 생각된다. 참굴의 중금속 생물농축계수를 조사한 결과 경남 연안에 서식하는 참굴의 생물농축계수는 청정해역과 오염해역의 중간이행 단계에 해당하였다. 특히 카드뮴의 생물농축계수가 다른 금속에 비해 월등히 높으므로, 이러한 특성을 활용하면 참굴을 Cd 등 중금속 오염 모니터링에 활용할 수 있을 것이다. 특히 카드뮴은 다른 원소들의 생물농축과 가장 밀접한 상관관계가 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 특히 카드뮴과 납이 가장 일정한 상관관계를 나타내는 것은 경남 연안의 해역의 주요 중금속 유입원은 화석연료유의 연소에 의해 유래된 것으로 추정된다. 다차원척도분석법에 의한 수질자료와 중금속 농축경향을 분석한 결과 경남 연안의 양식 참굴의 중금속 유입원은 강우에 의한 일시적 유입보다는 클로로필 a 및 투영도 등과 밀접한 유사성을 지니는 것으로 보아 통영연안에 서식하는 참굴의 중금속 축적은 대부분 먹이연쇄를 통해 이루어지는 것으로 본다.
In order to investigate contamination of heavy metal in seawater and cultured oyster, samples were collected November 2003 to July 2004 from 12 sites (13 sites for seawater) along the coast of Tongyeong, Korea. The mean concentrations of metal in oyster tissues were as follows: 0.09 (0.01-0.3) μg/l for Cd, 0.47 (0.01-1.4) μg/l for Cr, 0.59 (0.2-2.3) μg/l for Ni, 1.02 (0.1-4.2) μg/l for Pb and 0.48 (0.01-3.9) μg/l for Hg in the seawater, whereas 2.45 (0-5.47) mg/kgDW for Cd, 3.63 (0.10-12.91) mg/kgDW for Cr, 3.2 (0.01-15.73) mg/kgDW for Ni, 3.51 (0.01-6.47) mg/kgDW for Pb and 0.39 (0.004-0.74) mg/kgDW for Hg, respectively. Most metal concentration values were below the permissible range for the related regulations. Mean bioconcentration factors (BCF) for each metal were as follows: 38,964 (1,771-207, 171) for Cd, 9,583 (1,231-80, 162) for Cr, 191 (3-20, 980) for Ni, 1,416 (245-5, 207) for Pb and 180 (5-716) for Hg, respectively. The BCF values from this study corresponded to the transitional phase from the pristine to the contaminated waters. Notably, Cd showed the highest BCF, which suggest that the Pacific oyster could be utilized as a useful biomarker for Cd contamination in sea water. The multidimensional scaling analysis suggested that the metal contaminants are mainly originated from combustion of fossil fuel and accumulated to oyster through food web.
Metallothioneins (MTs) play a key role in metallic homeostasis and detoxification in most living organisms. In an attempt to study the biological functions and significance of MT in a snail, we cloned and partially characterized the MT gene from the left-handed snail, Physa acutawhich has been regarded as a potential biomonitering species for fresh water. The complete cDNA sequence of PaMT cDNA was identified from the expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing project of Physa acuta. The coding region of 180 bp gives 60 amino acid residues including the initiation methionine and termination codon. Clustering and phylogenic analysis of PaMT with other MT amino acid sequences show that it has some identities to Helix pomatia (60%), Arianta arbustorum (58%), Perna viridis (49%), Mytilus edulis (49%), Bathymodiolus azoricus (49%), Bathymodiolus azoricus (48%) and Bathymodiolus sp. FD-2002 (48%). Time dependent induction for PaMT from P. acuta exposed with cadmium (50 ppb) indicated that PaMT was induced at 4-8 hr after exposure. It remains to further develop PaMTas a potential biomarker for water contamination in fresh water.
This study describes biological environmental characteristics in natural habitats of Haliotis diversicolor in the coastal area of Sungsanpo located in the eastern coast of Jeju-do, Korea. The field survey was monthly conducted from May 2006 to February 2007. H. diversicolor, sea urchin, turban shell and marine algae were collected by two divers using SCUBA. The species composition of demersal fishes were seasonally investigated by fish traps in 2007. During the study period, more than 67% of H. diversicolor and sea urchin were found in the depth shallower than 5 m, and more than 64% of turban shell were found in the depth deeper than 3 m. The dominant algal species in May were generally Undaria pinnatifida, Ecklonia cava, Sargassum. spp. and coralline algae. Most of demersal fishes collected by the fish traps were wrasses which have been reported as a major predator of young abalone.
Two species of pearl mussels, Dahurinaia (Kurilinaia) laevis и D. (K.) zatravkini, inhabiting fresh waters of Sakhalin, South Kurile and Japan Islands, were found in the upper Amur River drainage basin (Transbaikalye). Considerable likeness of morphological and morphometric shell characters with island species is shown. The problem of ancientorigin of pearl mussels of Transbaikalye is discussed.
The freshwater snails were collected from Kumpung reservoir in Jellabuk-do on June 6, 2009 and identified into Sinotaia quadrata (Benson, 1842) of the family Viviparidae. The S. quadrata has been known as the only species list, without habitat and morphological information in Korea. So, this paper was dealt with the taxonomic account and illustration for description of S. quadrata in the Korea.