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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
Gametogenesis, mating behaviour, spawning behaviour, and estimated longevity of Octopus ocellatus were investigated by histological study. This species is dioecious, and showed a protandry phenomenon. Ooogenesis (in females) and spermatogenesis (in males) can be classified into 3 stages, respectively. O. ocellatus copulates in one of two ways: a male may leap upon a female, mounting her mantle, or a male may sit near the female and extend the hectocotylized third right arm toward her. Spawning occurred between April and June in females, and between March and May in males of O. ocellatus. The spawning period was once a year and the peak took place between May and June. A number of flatened follicle cells, which were attached to an oocyte, were involved in vitellogenesis in the cytoplasm of the vitellogenic oocyte (maturing oocyte), and formation of chorion membrane (secondary egg membrane) of the ovarian eggs. Fecundity per female closely related to GSI was 294-660 eggs (average, 429 eggs). The díameters of the ovarían eggs surrounded by chorion membrane were approximately ín the range of 10.10-2.50 mm. Each ovarian egg laid by a female was connected to an egg string. Each egg string was 1-5.5 cm (average 3.6 cm). The total number of eggs laid by a female of this species ranged 218-314, the egg sizes were independent to the size of female adult. this species has a life mode showing some special reproductive characteristics of an annual semelparity as shown in Octopodidae species because we have never seen a female spawning a second time.
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