본 연구는 전복 육상 중간양성 시 생산성과 경제성 향상을 유도하고자 육상 중간양성 방식별로 수용한 전복치패에 배합사료와 해조류를 공급하여 성장 및 생존율을 조사하였다. 실험 전복은 2012년에 종묘생산 된 양성 1년생 (각장 22.74-23.67 mm) 을 사용하여 해조류 (sea weed diet, SW) 와 배합사료 (artificial, A) 공급구에 각각 바닥식 (floor culture, FC), 그물 바닥식 (net floor culture, NFC), 이중 은신처 (double shelter culture, DSC) 그리고 육상 가두리 (indoor net cage culture, INCC) 로 총 8개의 중간양성 방식을 2반복으로 설정하여 10개월간 사육하였다. 월별 각장 절대성장률 (absolute growth rate of shell length, <TEX>$AGR_{SL}$</TEX>), 일간성장률 (daily growth rate of shell length), 중량 변화에서 9월부터 11월 까지를 제외하고 유의적 차이가 없었다. 육상수조 내 사육방법별 월별 중량변화는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 성장에서는 각장, 각폭, 체중에 대한 모든 성장지표에서 유의적 차이는 보이질 않았으나, 배합사료 공급구의 이중쉘터 방식이 높은 값을 보였다. 생존율은 A-FC가 70% 이상으로 55-60%인 다른 실험구보다 유의적으로 높았으며 (P < 0.05), 생사료와 배합사료 공급한 전복치패 가식부의 일반성분은 차이가 없었다. 따라서 2 cm 이상의 전복치패를 육상수조에서 서로 다른 중간 양성 방식별로 사육 시 배합사료와 생사료 공급은 성장차이를 보이지 않으며, 배합사료를 공급한 바닥식 중간양성이 생존율이 높게 나타나, 육상 중간양성 시 바닥식 양성이 생산성 향상에 유리할 것으로 판단된다.
This study was conduct to investigate the effect of intermediate culture types on the growth and survival rate of the juvenile abalone, Haliotis discus hannai fed seaweed and artificial diet. Intermediate cultures were to determine there that was to fed seaweed (SW) of artificial diet (A) of floor culture (FC), net floor culture (NFC), double shelter culture (DSC) and indoor net cage culture (INCC) in land-based tank, in two replicate. In the growth performance of juvenile abalone reared through intermediate culture to fed SW of A, that the absolute growth rate (AGRSL, AGRSB), daily growth rate (DGRSL, DGRSB), and specific growth rate (SGRSL, SGRSB) to the shell length (SL) and shell breadth (SB) of experimental groups were not significant. As weight gain (WG), daily weight gain (DWG) and specific weight gain (SWG) to body weight through intermediate culture types in land-based tank was not significant. However, as to survival rate to experimental groups, A-FC was higher than those of different groups (P < 0.05). Therefore, these results is showed that was not difference to growth of juvenile abalone over 2 cm fed seaweed diet and artificial diet according to intermediate culture types. But floor culture with artificial diet indicate that was highest to survival rate, therefore, it is beneficial for higher productivity in floor culture with artificial diet among intermediate culture types.
본 연구는 북방전복 육상 수조 내 고밀도 중간양성 방법을 모색하기 위해 부착면적 확대를 위해 다단식 shelter 설치와 수조 내 중층 이상의 가두리를 설치하여 성장을 비교하고 아울러 전복류 육상 양성방법인 'shallow race way' 국내 도입 가능성을 조사하였다. Shelter 실험구는 PE (polyethylene) 재질의 shelter (<TEX>$63{\times}98cm$</TEX>) 1층형 (the single layer shelter, SLS), 2층형 (the double layer shelter, DLS), 3층형 (the triple layer shleter, TLS) 과 육상 가두리 양성방식 (the single layer shelter and net cage culture, SLSNC), 그리고 'shallow race way' 방식을 polyvinyl chloride (PVC)로 제작하여 고랑수로양성 (culture of the ditch raceway tank, CDRT)과 편평한 수로양성 (culture of the floor raceway tank, CFRT) 방식을 설정하였으며, 실험구는 모두 2반복으로 실시되었다. 각 실험구별 SLS 기준 60%밀도로 수용한 실험 전복 (최초 수용 시 평균각장 <TEX>$25.19{\pm}0.50mm$</TEX>, 중량 <TEX>$1.93{\pm}0.14g$</TEX>), 성장에서 각장의 절대성장율 (absolute growth rate, ARG), 일간성장율 (daily growth rate, DGR) 및 순간성장율 (specific growth rate, SGR) 과 중량의 증중률 (weight gain, WG), 일간증중률 (daily weight gain, DWG) 에서 SLSNC 제외한 모든 실험구가 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 그리고 생존율에서는 CDRT와 CFRT가 유의적으로 낮았다 (P < 0.05). 따라서 shelter를 이용하여 부착면적을 확대한 고밀도 전복치패 육상 중간육성 사육 시 단층과 다단층에서 성장과 생존율에서 차이가 없으며, 호주 등에서 사용되는 shelter 없는 'shallow race way'의 얇은 수심사육은 국내 북방전복 육상 중간양성 방식으로 도입하기에 적합하지 않는 것으로 판단된다.
The effect of different intermediated rearing method by expanding the attached floor space in order to highly density culture on the growth characteristics and survival rate of the juvenile abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, were investigated in land-based tanks. The intermediated culture methods was determined thru the shelter counts and layer for 10 month with two replicates : the single layer shelter (SLS), the double layer shelter (DLS), the triple layer shelter (TLS) and the single layer shelter under net cage (SLSNC). In addition, the culture on shallow race way tank had to set up as culture of the ditch raceway tank (CDRT) and the floor race way tank (CFRT). In the growth performance of reared abalone (initial mean shell length 54.18 ± 7.39 mm and weight 1.93 ± 0.14 g) at experimental tanks, that the absolute growth rate (ARG), daily growth rate (DGR) and specific growth rate (SGR) to the shell length and shell breadth was not significant at each experimental tanks except SLSNC. As well as too, weight gain (WG), daily weight gain (DWG) and specific weight gain (SWG) to weight was not significant at each experimental tanks except SLSNC, too. Survival rates of CDRT and CFRT was lower than those of different experimental tanks (P < 0.05). Therefore, these results is showed that high density different intermediated rearing method by expanding the attached floor space for juvenile H. discus hannai was not have difference as growth performance and survival rate both one layer shelter and multi layer shelter. Also, it is considered that shallow race way tank was not useful rearing for the juvenile intermediate culture of H. discus hannai in land based.
본 연구는 3년산 북방전복을 해상가두리에서 1년 동안 수용밀도별로 양식순기에 따라 사육하여 성장 및 생존율 조사를 통해 적정 수용밀도를 구명하고 생산성을 향상시키고자 수행하였다. 해상가두리 (<TEX>$2.4{\times}1.2m$</TEX>) 내 수용밀도는 셀터 단면적 (square meter, <TEX>$m^2$</TEX>, sq m) 당 점유율로 15, 30, 45, 60 percentage (
The effects of different stocking densities on the growth and survival rate of the 3-year-old pacific abalone, Haliotis dicus hannai were investigated in marine net cage for a year. Stocking densities in net cage (2.4 × 1.2 m) was set 15, 30, 45 and 60 percentage (= per)/sq m (square meter, m2) with share to cross-sectional area per shelter. The water temperature during the testing period was 8.2℃-22.1℃, and salinity is 33.5 ± 0.6 psu, and dissolved oxygen is 7.87 ± 0.86 mg/L. In the shell length (initial size : 71.50 ± 2.28 mm) growth and shell breadth (initial size : 46.43 ± 2.28 mm) of the test abalones, the absolute growth rate (ARG), daily growth rate (DGR) and specific growth rates (SGR) of the 15 per/sq m and 30 per/sq m were higher than those of 45 per/sq m and 60 per/sq m density group (P < 0.05). Also in the weight (initial weight : 35.7 ± 8.1 g), it showed the same results. In survival rates, it were that 15 per/sq m and 30 per/sq m is significantly higher than 45 per/sq m and 60 per/sq m. Therefore, it was that the 15 per/sq m is optimized stocking density in marine net cages about the 3 year-old pacific abalone over 70 mm size. The result shown that total cross-sectional area under the shelter is based on 15 per/sq m (2.4 × 2.4 m, 708 number in a net cage) is suitable for fast growth and survival. But if the economy consider, optimized stocking density would be appropriate to accept 30 per/sq m (2.4 × 2.4 m, 1,420 number in a net cage).
해만가리비는 남해 해역에서 양식이 되고 있는 품종이다. 국립수산과학원은 동해 남부 해역에서 해만가리비 양식기술을 개발하고자 하였다. 산란 유도를 위해 간출자극과 <TEX>$23^{\circ}C$</TEX>로 조정된 수온자극을 실시하였다. 해만가리비의 산란량은 총 105,58 만 개 이였다. 수정률은 91.3%로 9,394 만 개가 수정되었다. 수정란은 원형으로 <TEX>$54.1{\pm}0.04-67.4{\pm}0.12{\mu}m$</TEX>로 평균 직경이 <TEX>$61.7{\pm}0.05{\mu}m$</TEX>이였다. 약 5일 후에는 초기원각 (prodissoconch shell) 을 형성하여 각정기 유생기 (umbo stage larva) 가 시작되며 각정 (umbones) 이 형성되었다. 약 8일후에는 <TEX>$150.4-204.8{\mu}m$</TEX> (평균 <TEX>$179.7{\pm}8.4{\mu}m$</TEX>) 크기의 부유유생이 되어 섬모가 있고 발 (foot) 과 안점 (eye spot) 이 생성되었다. 수정 후 10일 후에는 평균 각장 <TEX>$235.4{\pm}9.7{\mu}m$</TEX> 로 성장 하였으며 팜사나 경심망 등의 기질에 부착하여 부착치 패가 되었다. 치패 각장 성장은 22.71 mm 이였으며, 8월에 47.19 mm, 10월에 60.43 mm, 12월 72.40 mm 로 성장하였다. 전중량은 6월 이식 당시에는 2.0 g 이였으나 10월에 32.7 g으로 증가하였으며 12월에는 46.6 g 으로 증가하였다. 해만가리비의 일간 성장률은 각장의 경우, 4-6월이 0.35 mm/day, 6-8월 0.41 mm/day로 큰 폭으로 성장하였다.
Bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) has been farmed only in the South Sea of Korea. East Sea Fisheries Research Institute (ESFRI) has developed bay scallop aquaculture technologies to extend its aquaculture area to the Southeast Sea of Korea. For the artificial spawning, the water temperature was maintained at 23℃. Over 100,000,000 eggs were spawned through artificial spawning inductions, such as air exposure and thermal shock by rising the water temperature. The fertilization rate was over 91% with nearly 94,000,000 fertilized eggs. The shape of fertilized eggs was spherical with an average diameter of 61.7 ± 0.05 μm (54.1-67.4 μm). Five days after fertilization, the eggs developed into prodissoconch shell, and continuously grew into umbo stage and then umbones stage. After 8 days of fertilization, the size of larva became 179.7 ± 8.4 μm on average (150.4-204.8 μm), and the larva formed a foot and an eye spot. The larvae grew to 270.5 μm in 10 days and attached to adherence material, becoming juvenile bay scallop. The shells grew from 22.71 mm to 72.40 mm in 6 month (June-December). The total weight increased from 2.0 g to 32.7 g at the same period. The daily growth rates of young scallop were 0.35 mm d-1 (Apr. to Jun.) and 0.41 mm d-1 (Jun. to Aug.), which were comparable to those found in the South Sea. These findings suggest that the bay scallop aquaculture may be suitable in the Southeast Sea of Korea and may provide an additional crop to aquaculturists.
Gametogenesis, mating behaviour, spawning behaviour, and estimated longevity of Octopus ocellatus were investigated by histological study. This species is dioecious, and showed a protandry phenomenon. Ooogenesis (in females) and spermatogenesis (in males) can be classified into 3 stages, respectively. O. ocellatus copulates in one of two ways: a male may leap upon a female, mounting her mantle, or a male may sit near the female and extend the hectocotylized third right arm toward her. Spawning occurred between April and June in females, and between March and May in males of O. ocellatus. The spawning period was once a year and the peak took place between May and June. A number of flatened follicle cells, which were attached to an oocyte, were involved in vitellogenesis in the cytoplasm of the vitellogenic oocyte (maturing oocyte), and formation of chorion membrane (secondary egg membrane) of the ovarian eggs. Fecundity per female closely related to GSI was 294-660 eggs (average, 429 eggs). The díameters of the ovarían eggs surrounded by chorion membrane were approximately ín the range of 10.10-2.50 mm. Each ovarian egg laid by a female was connected to an egg string. Each egg string was 1-5.5 cm (average 3.6 cm). The total number of eggs laid by a female of this species ranged 218-314, the egg sizes were independent to the size of female adult. this species has a life mode showing some special reproductive characteristics of an annual semelparity as shown in Octopodidae species because we have never seen a female spawning a second time.
<TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan은 면역증강제의 하나로 어류를 비롯한 척추동물의 사료첨가제에 널리 이용되고 있는 다당체이다. 본 연구는 척추동물과는 다른 면역체계를 갖고 있는 바지락의 면역반응에 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan이 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 실시되었다. 이를 위하여 식물플랑크톤이 공급된 해수에 0, 0.1, 1%의 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan을 첨가하고 이 해수에 바지락을 매일 1시간 씩 2주간 노출시켜 먹이 섭식 시 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan이 흡수되도록 하였다. 바지락의 면역력은 혈구의 식세포작용과 혈림프액의 병원성 세균에 대한 정균력을 실험전과 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan을 급이한 2주 후 각 그룹별로 비교하였다. 실험결과 0.1%의 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan에 노출된 바지락의 식세포율은 대조구와 비교하여 뚜렷한 증가가 관찰되지 않았으나 1%의 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan에 노출된 경우 약 30%의 식세포율이 증가하였다. 또한 정균력에 관한 실험에서 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan은 바지락 혈림프액이 Vibrio tapetis, V. parahaemolyticus, V. ordalii 등의 병원성 세균의 증식을 억제케 함이 확인되었다. 바지락의 사망률 역시 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan에 노출된 바지락에서 낮았으며 이러한 경향은 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan의 농도가 높을수록 낮았다. 본 연구를 통하여 바지락은 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan에 의해 면역력이 상승하였으며, 주사방식이 아닌 해수 침지시에도 발생함을 확인하였다.
β-Glucan is a polysaccharide that is widely used as an adductive in fish feed to facilitate immune stimulation. This study aimed to investigate the effect of β-glucan on immune responses in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. For this purpose, three groups of R. philippinarum were exposed to 0%, 0.1%, or 1% β-glucan in sea water for 1 hr/day for 2 weeks using an immersion method. Thereafter, two immune parameters—phagocytic rate and antibacterial activity—were measured. R. philippinarum exposed to 1% β-glucan showed an approximate 30% significant increase in phagocytic rate. In addition, β-glucan significantly limited the growth of the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio tapetis, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. ordalii. Moreover, the mortality rates of β-glucan-treated clams decreased during a 17-day experiment. Our study suggests that treatment with β-glucan significantly increases the immune responses in R. philippinarum, and that immersion is a simple and effective method for immune stimulation in this species.
본 연구는 완도군 군외면 지역에 수평망식 갯벌참굴 양식을 도입하고자 하는 양식 기술개발의 일환으로서 양식해역의 위생학적 특성을 조사하였다. 해수의 경우 2012년 4월부터 2013년 3월까지 매월 1회 실시하였고, 굴 시료는 높이 90 cm인 가상식 양성망에서 채집하였다. 조사해역의 평균 수온범위와 염분 농도범위는 <TEX>$8.6-28.0^{\circ}C$</TEX>이며, 26.2-33.5 psu였다. 해수의 대장균군 및 분변계대장균은 각각 < 1.8-13.0 MPN/100 mL의 범위로, 모두 기준치 43 MPN/100 mL이하를 유지하였다. 한편 굴의 분변계대장균은 기준치를 초과하는 경우는 단 1건에 불과하였다. 강우 발생후, 경과일에 따른 참굴 및 해수의 분변계대장균은 모두 해역평균치로 회복되는 데는 약 5일이 소요되었다. 배수유역의 영향반경은 1-292 m에 불과하여 육상오염원에 의한 영향은 미미하였다. 조사해역은 우리나라 수출용 패류생산해역의 위생학적 수질기준과 미국의 패류양식장에 대한 세균학적 수질기준의 충족하며, 생산된 굴의 경우, 유럽연합 A등급 해역의 위생관리에 충족되는 것으로 확인되었다.
To introduce an oyster rack culture in tidal flat of Wando-gun, Korea, we investigated sanitary conditions from 2012 April to 2013 March in oyster growing waters and adjacent area in Wando. Average seawater temperature and salinity ranged 8.6-28.0℃ and 26.2-33.6 psu, respectively. The coliform group and fecal coliform of seawater ranged < 1.8-13.0 MPN/100 mL each. Only one of 60 samples was exceeded in the European criteria of fecal coliform. Influence of adjunct basin’s pollution load on cultural waters was negligible, which half radius of dilution was not above 300 m. According to our observation, however, landing of oyster should be banned for at least 5 days after the heavy rainfall. Our findings meet the sanitary seawater criteria for domestic use and export of shellfish and classified as 'Class A' in European Community regulations for bivalve culture.
본 연구는 바지락, Ruditapes philippinarum의 체내 미량금속 농도, 이성생식세포 발현과 소화선의 조직학적 지표 변화를 이용하여 이들의 안정성을 알아보고자 하였다. 시료는 2010년 5월 한국 남해안의 가막만 3곳에서 채집하였다. 금속이온의 체내 축적 농도는 분석된 10가지 금속 이온 가운데 Al이 가장 높았으며, 두 번째로 Zn이 높았다. 그리고 Co가 가장 낮은 농도로 나타났다. 이성생식세포 발현율은 18.5%로 나타났으며, 암컷에서 더 높았다. 이성생식세포 발현 형태는 한 가지 형태가 관찰되었다. 조직학적 지표는 소화선의 조직학적 변화, 호염기성세포와 지방갈색소의 분포비율을 이용하였다. 소화선에서는 소화선세관 상피층의 파괴가 가장 높은 비율로 나타났다. 호염기성세포의 분포 비율은 5.8%로 나타났고, 지방갈색소 분포 비율은 1.8%였다.
This study investigated concentration of heavy metals, intersexuality and histological alterations of digestive gland in Ruditapes philippinarum. Samples were collected from three areas of Gamak Bay in May, 2010. The concentration of trace metals showed that Al was highest, Zn was second high concentration and the lowest concentration was Cd. The intersexuality was 18.5% and female was higher than the male. Intersex type was observed one types. Destruction of digestive tubule epithelium was highest among other biomarkers in digestive gland. Distribution of basophilic cell was 5.8% and lipofuscin was 1.8%.
본 연구는 염화니켈 노출에 따른 북방전복의 염화니켈 축적 농도, 생존율 및 탈락률, 조직학적 지표 변화에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 실험은 1개의 대조구와 5개의 니켈 노출구 (5.9, 8.8, 13.3, 20.0, 30.0 mg/L) 였다. 염화니켈에 노출된 북방전복의 체내 염화니켈 축적 농도는 모든 니켈 노출구에서 농도의 존적으로 증가하는 결과를 보였다. 생존률 및 탈락률은 대조구에 비해 니켈 노출구에서 농도의존적으로 나타났다. 북방전복의 발, 아가미, 간췌장의 조직학적 변화는 시간이 경과함에 따라 대조구보다 니켈 노출구에서 뚜렷하게 나타났다.
This study was conducted to find out accumulated concentration of trace metal, survival rate and falling rate, structural changes of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai exposed to nickel chloride. Experimental groups were composed of one control condition and five nickel chloride exposure conditions (5.9, 8.8, 13.3, 20.0, 30.0 mg/L). The accumulation of nickel in abalone was significantly increased all exposure group. Though the exposure groups had lower survival rate than the control group, higher falling rate than the control group. Histopathological changes in the foot, gill and hepatopancreas of abalone revealed obvious with exposure group than control group .
본 연구는 구리에 노출된 꼬막, Tegillarca granosa의 생존율, 호흡율 및 기관계의 반응을 알아보고자 하였다. 실험기간은 4주였으며, 실험구는 대조구와 구리 노출구 3개 (0.125, 0.250 and 0.500 mg/L) 였다. 실험 결과 구리는 꼬막의 생존율과 호흡률의 저하 및 기관계의 조직학적 변성을 유도하는 것이 확인되었다. 노출 종말점에서 0.500 mg/L의 구리 노출구에서 사망률은 66.7%였으며, 호흡률은 대조구에 비해 18.2%로 감소하였다. 기관계의 조직학적 분석 결과, 외투막 상피층과 결합조직층의 변성, 아가미 새엽 상피세포의 위축과 측면섬모의 소실, 발에서는 상피층의 붕괴, 점액의 산성화 및 혈림프동의 확장과 근섬유 다발의 변성을 나타냈다. 소화맹낭의 소화선세관에서는 호염기성세포와 상피세포의 위축 및 붕괴가 확인되었다.
This study was conducted to find out the changes of survivorship, respiration and organ structure of Tegillarca granosa exposed to copper (Cu). Experimental period was four weeks. Experimental groups were composed of one control condition and three copper exposure conditions (0.125, 0.250 and 0.500 mg/L). The results of the study confirmed that copper induces reduction of survival rate and respiration rate and histopathology of organ structure of the bivalve. In the copper concentration of 0.500 mg/L, mortality was 66.7% after Cu exposure of 4 weeks. Respiration rate was observed exposure groups lower than control decline by 18%. Histological analysis of organ system illustrated degeneration of epithelial layer and connective tissue layer of the mantle. Also, histological degenerations as epithelial atrophy and disappearance of lateral cilia are recognized in the gill and it was observed expansion of hemolymph sinus, disruption of epithelial layer, acidification of mucous and degeneration of muscle fiber bundles in the foot. In the digestive diverticulum, it was showed atrophy and destruction of basophilic cell and epithelial cell in the digestive tubules.
We report a new record of Myurella nebulosa (Sowerby, 1825) collected by SCUBA diving from sandy bottom of subtidal zone in Jeju Island in Korea. The specimen of M. nebulosa is distinguished from its congeners by having slightly plump shell, high spire, distinctive subsutural band, deep axial ribs, numerous and shallow spiral ribs, ivory in color. In this report, we provided a brief morphological description and photographs of M. nebulosa. An unrooted phylogenetic tree for mitochondrial cox1 sequences using NJ analysis found Korean M. nebulosa sample was clustered with its conspecific sequences, but clearly separated from M. columellaris that is not easy to distinguishable based on external shell morphology alone.