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메뉴굴의 종패생산 시 수정란을 대량으로 얻기 위하여 성숙한 굴 어미를 대상으로 신경전달 물질인 serotonin의 최적 처리 농도를 파악하기 위한 연구가 수행되었다. Serotonin 주사 후 방란까지 소요되는 시간은 7.6분부터 27분까지 였으며, 농도가 낮아짐에 따라 소요시간은 유의하게 길어졌다 (P < 0.05). 방정시간 역시 방란시간과 비슷한 경향을 보였다. Serotonin 농도에 따른 반응률 역시 처리 농도가 높을수록 반응률이 높아졌다. Serotonin 처리 후 산란량을 조사한 결과, <TEX>$10^{-2}M$</TEX> 에서 2,664천개로 <TEX>$10^{-5}M$</TEX> 농도에 비해 유의하게 많았으나 (P < 0.05), <TEX>$10^{-4}$</TEX>나 <TEX>$10^{-3}M$</TEX> 처리구는 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다 (P > 0.05). Serotonin 처리 후 산란된 알의 GVBD율, 수정률 및 부화율은 농도에 영향을 받지 않았다.
In order to obtain a large number of fertilized eggs for seedling production, experiment was carried out examine effects of serotonin on spawning of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. The shorter response time to initial spawning in case of serotonin injection showed, the higher serotonin injected with 7.6-27 min. The response time to initial sperm releasing showed the same tendency with female. The highest response rates and eggs amount spawned were showed in the highest concentration. The serotonin injection had no effect on frequency of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), fertilization and hatching rate.
Heat shock proteins (HSPs), one of the most highly conserved groups of proteins characterized to date, play crucial roles in protecting cells against environmental stresses, such as heat shock, salinity and oxidative stress. The glutathione S-transferases (GST) have important role in detoxification of oxidative stress, environmental chemicals and environmental stress. GST mRNA expression have been used as biomarkers on environmental stress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the death rate and the gene expression of Hsp70 and GST during air exposure and starvation. Results showed that, the expression of Hsp70 mRNA was significantly changed in the experiment groups, such as air exposure and starvation. GST mRNA expression was significantly increased in the experimental group of starvation. These results suggest that Hsp70 and GST were played roles in biomarker gene on the air exposure and starvation.
For the continuous stable production of oyster, estimation of food availability (F) was carried out in Goseong Bay, south of coast Korea. Primary productivity ranged from 0.07 to 0.44 gC/m2/day (average 0.25 gC/m2/day), lowest in July and highest in January. The distribution of primary productivity at Goseong Bay showed the pattern of “high in the south and low in the north.” Food availability (F) was F ≤ 0, indicating insufficient food supply, from August to November and F > 0 from January to April. Continuous insufficient food supply was observed at 18 oyster farms in the southern part of the bay and 4 in its northern part. Mortality at the oyster farms was 56% on the average, and around 58% of death occurred during November when food supply was insufficient. The optimal population of cultured oyster per unit flow area was calculated to be 110-115 indiv./m2 (198-201 indiv./string). When the sea area was divided into 3 regions (A, B, C) according to carrying capacity, the carrying capacity of (A) regions was 52-53 indiv./m2 (93-95 indiv./string), (B) regions was 142-144 indiv./m2 (255-259 indiv./string), and (C) regions was 198-202 indiv./m2 (356-363 indiv./string). In particular, (A) regions showed extremely low productivity. For continuous stable oyster farming at Goseong Bay, it is necessary to control point and non-point source pollution through continuous environmental monitoring and to adjust harvest according to the base carrying capacity during the season of high water temperature.
본 연구에서는 육상 수조에서 중간 양성 시 공급되는 상업용 북방전복 배합사료를 저수온이 유지되는 동계기간에 공급량을 다르게 할 시 성장특성을 조사하였다. 실험어는 1년생 전복치패 (평균 각장 <TEX>$29.14{\pm}2.56mm$</TEX>, 중량 <TEX>$2.9{\pm}0.6g$</TEX>) 를 사용하였으며, 실험구는 총체중에 대한 일일 먹이공급율 (the daily feeding rate about total weight, DFW) 을 각 수조에 수용된 실험전복 치패 (250 마리) 총체중의 0.75%, 1.50%, 2.25%. 3.00%. 3.75%, 4.50%로 공급되도록 총 6개 구간을 설정 (0.75 DFW, 1.50 DFW, 2.25 DFW, 3.00 DFW, 3.75 DFW, 4.5 DFW) 하였으며, 실험구는 모두 2반복으로 실시되었다. 실험기간인 동계기간에 평균수온은 <TEX>$9.7{\pm}3.27^{\circ}C$</TEX>이었으며. 월별 각장과 각장 성장률 (AGRSL) 및 순간성장률 (SGRSL) 은 1월에는 1.50 DFW 와 2.25 DFW, 3.75 DFW 가 0.75 DFW, 3.00 DFW 보다 유의적으로 높았으며 (P < 0.05), 월별 체중변화 3월에 3.75 DFW 가 모든 실험구보다 유의적으로 높았고 (P < 0.05), 월별 중중률변화에서는 3.75 DFW 가 실험구보다 0.75 DFW 와 1.50 DFW 보다 유의적으로 높았다 (P < 0.05). 열단위성장계수 (TGC) 에서는 1월부터 급격히 낮아졌으며, 3.75 DFW 가 모든 실험구보다 높은 값을 보였다, 1월에는 3.75 DFW 가 0.75 DFW, 1.50 DFW 보다 높았으며 (P < 0.05), 다른 실험구와 유의적 차이는 없었다. 2월에는 3.75 DFW 가 2.25 DFW, 4.50 DFW 를 제외한 모든 실험구보다 유의적으로 높았고 (P < 0.05), 3월에는 3.75 DFW 가 4.50 DFW 를 제외한 모든 실험구보다 높았다 (P < 0.05). 월별 사료효율에서는 12월에 0.75 DFW 가 모든 실험구보다 유의적으로 높았으나 (P < 0.05), 이후 1월을 제외한 2월과 3월에는 모든 실험구간 유의적 차이는 없었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 북방전복 치패를 육상수조에서 동계기간 내 사육 시 상업용 배합사료는 일정량 이상을 공급하는 것이 육중량을 유지 또는 일부 증가시킬 수 있으며, 향후 동계기간의 사료공급율에 따른 육중량의 변화가 수온상승기에 가져올 수 있는 성장 변화를 연결하여 조사할 필요가 있을 것으로 판단된다.
This study investigated the growth characteristics of juvenile abalone when has been rearing as other different feed rates by the commercial abalone formulated feed on indoor tank, during the winter period that was maintaining on the low water temperature. Experimental abalones were use to 1 year old (shell length 29.14 ± 2.56 mm, wet weight 2.9 ± 0.6 g), and it has cultured at six feeding rate groups (0.75 DFW, 1.50 DFW, 2.25 DFW, 3.00 DFW, 3.75 DFW, 4.5 DFW) that were set up the daily feeding rate about total weight (DFW), and two replicated. The average water temperature in the experiment period was 9.7 ± 3.27 ℃. In the monthly change absolute growth rate (AGRSL) and specific growth (SGRSL) of shell length, at January, 3.00 DFW was significantly higher than all feeding rate groups (P < 0.05). And in the monthly change of weight change and weight gain (WG), at March, 3.75DFW was significantly higher than all feeing rate groups (P < 0.05). The growth coefficient of thermal units (TGC) was decreased rapid since January, and 3.75 DFW was show significantly higher than all feeding rate groups (P < 0.05). In monthly change of feed efficiency (FE), at December, the 0.75 DFW was significantly higher than all feeding rate groups (P < 0.05), and in February and March, there was no significant difference between all feeding period. Therefore, In this study, was show that juvenile abalones can do to maintain or increasing from weight to supply commercial artificial diet during winter period when rearing into the indoor tank.
본 연구는 3년산 북방전복의 해상가두리의 먹이공급비율에 따른 성장 및 생존율을 조사하여, 미역과 다시마등의 천연먹이의 적정 공급율을 제안하여 북방전복 성패의 생산성 향상을 유도하고자 실시하였다. 먹이공급율은 실험전복 어체중량을 기준으로 일간공급율 (daily feeding rate, DFR) 5, 10, 15, 20% (5 DFR, 10 DFR, 15 DFR, 20 DFR) 를 설정하여, 해상가두리에서 2반복으로 13개월간 실시하였다. 해상가두리에서 사육한 전복 (최초 수용 시 평균각장 <TEX>$73.77{\pm}11.27mm$</TEX>) 성장에서 각장과 각폭의 성장율 (growth rate, GR), 일간성장율 (daily growth rate, DGR) 및 특수생장율 (specific growth rate, SGR) 과 체중의 증중률 (weight gain, WG), 일간증중률 (daily weight gain, DWG) 및 특수증중률 (specific weight gain, SWG), 그리고 생존율에서 5 DFR이 유의적으로 높았다 (P < 0.05). 생존율은 모든 실험구가 유의적 차이가 없었으며, 30%이하로 나타났다. 따라서 3년산 북방전복을 해상가두리에서 사육 시 미역, 다시마 등의 생먹이의 일간 공급율은 어체중량의 5-10%에서 공급되는 것이 성장에 유리하지만, 생존율을 향상 시킬 수 있는 다각적 검토가 필요하다.
The effect of different feeding rate on the growth and survival rate of 3-year-old abalone, Haliotis dicsus hannai were investigated in marine net cage culture. Feeding rate is determined that was fed 5, 10, 15 and 20 percentage to abalone at body weight once daily : 5 daily feeding rate (DFR), 10 DFR, 15 DFR and 20 DFR. After that, it was conducted to reared during thirteen month with two replicates in net cage culture. In the growth performance of reared abalone (initial mean shell length 73.77 ± 11.27 mm) in net cage culture, that the absolute growth rate (ARG), daily growth rate (DGR) and specific growth rate (SGR) to the shell length and shell breadth, as well as weight gain (WG), daily weight gain (DWG) and specific weight gain (SWG) to body weight of 5 DFR were higher than those of different groups (P < 0.05). Also, survival rate of all feeding rate groups was not significant, but it was showed bellow 30 percents. Therefore, these results is showed that the daily feeding rate for natural feed of 3-year-old abalones reared in net cage culture should be to supply among five to ten percents.
본 연구는 염화니켈 만성노출에 따른 북방전복의 체내 염화니켈 축적농도, 생존율, 탈락률 및 조직학적 지표 변화에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 실험구는 1개의 대조구와 4개의 염화니켈 노출구 (7.0, 12.0, 17.0, 22.0 NiCl2 mg/L) 였다. 염화니켈에 노출된 북방전복의 체내 축적 농도는 모든 노출구에서 유의적으로 증가하는 결과를 보였다. 생존률 및 탈락률은 대조구에 비해 노출구에서 농도의존적으로 나타났다. 북방전복의 발, 아가미, 간췌장의 조직학적 변화는 시간이 경과함에 따라 대조구보다 노출구에서 뚜렷하게 나타났다.
This study was conducted to find out concentration of trace metal, survival rate, falling rate and structural changes of the abalone Haliotis discus hannai exposed to nickel chloride. Experimental groups were composed of one control condition and four nickel chloride exposure conditions (7.0, 12.0, 17.0 and 22.0 NiCl2 mg/L). The concentration of nickel in abalone was significantly increased all exposure groups. Though the exposure groups had lower survival rate than the control group, falling rate higher than the control group. Histopathological changes in the foot, gill and hepatopancreas of abalone was revealed prominently with exposure group than control group.
본 연구는 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan이 첨가된 사료첨가제 (이뮨글루<TEX>$^{TM}$</TEX>) 급이시 전복의 비특이 면역력의 증강 효과와 전염성 질병 감염 시 생존율의 변화를 확인하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 참전복 치패와 성패를 대상으로 이뮨글루<TEX>$^{TM}$</TEX> 0, 0.1, 1%가 함유된 사료를 14일간 급이 하면서 면역력, 정균력, 생존율 등을 조사하였다. 조사 결과 이뮨글루<TEX>$^{TM}$</TEX>가 함유된 사료를 급이한 전복의 치패와 성패의 식세포작용이 증가하였으며 전복폐사 원인균인 Vibrio alginolyticus에 대한 정균력과 생존율이 상승하였다. 반면 염증량을 나타내는 NO량 역시 증가하였다. 따라서 <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-glucan이 첨가된 사료첨가제 이뮨글루<TEX>$^{TM}$</TEX>는 전복 사육 시 전복의 면역력을 높이고 폐사율을 낮추는데 유용한 것으로 판단된다.
The present study aimed to understand the effects of a ß-glucan-added abalone feed (Immuneglu™) on the immune parameters, survival rate, and anti-bacterial activity of the abalone Nordotis discus hannai. During the study, spat and adult abalones were fed 0, 0.1, and 1% of Immuneglu™ mixed with artificial feed for 2 weeks, and their immune parameters, survival rate, and anti-bacterial activity were measured. The results showed that abalones fed on Immuneglu™-added feed showed a higher phagocytic rate, survival rate, and anti-bacterial activity against Vibrio alginolyticus, than those with the control treatment. In addition, the nitric oxide concentration, which indicates an inflammatory response, increased in the treatment group. Our study suggests that Immuneglu™ might be a useful additive for increasing the immunity and survival rates of abalones during mass culture.
CO-I서열의 생물정보학적 분석 결과 국내에서 유통되는 재첩류의 연체부는 일본재첩 (C. japonica) 과 재첩 (C. fluminea) 으로 동정되어 두 종이 혼재하여 유통되는 것으로 확인되었다. 일본재첩 (C. japonica) 과 재첩 (C. fluminea) 은 국내에서 서식하고 있으나, 섬진강 유역의 재첩 (C. fluminea) 은 개체수가 감소하여 거의 생산되지 않고 있으므로, 본 연구를 통해 확인된 재첩 (C. fluminea) 은 중국 수입산으로 예상된다.
The natives of the genus Corbicula have shown worldwide dispersion in recent times, which has caused great ecological and economic impacts on the introduced ecosystems. The species reported from the genus have been consumed as food and explored for medicine with pharmacological activity. Consequently, the demand of Corbicula sp. in the South Korean domestic market has increased and so also it’s associated import to the country. However, due to the absence of identification keys of imported Corbicula, the market is facing confronting situations. We hypothesized that the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I gene (CO-I) based molecular profiling could be a necessary technique for identification of Corbicula sp. in the South Korea domestic market. The genetic analysis identified both Corbicula japonica and Corbicula fluminea from the market foods. C. japonica and C. fluminea are inhabitants in Korea, but C. fluminea production has decreased in Seomjingang river basin. Therefore, C. fluminea identified from this study, is expected to be imported from China and would have a mixed sales in Seomjingang river side basin.
The incubation time required for hatching of O. ocellatus were investigated through the processes of egg and embryonic developments by the dissecting microscopic and visual observations. And differences in ecological characteristics of the plankton mode of life or the benthic mode of life according to total numbers of the suckers on each short arm of the hatched juvenile larvae of O. ocellatus were studied by comparisons with other octopodidae species. Compared with the recent a few results reported by other researchers associated with the incubation time required for hatching by female adult mother of O. minor (73-90 days after spawning at 20.9-21.5℃ ranges), in this study, the incubation time required for hatching by female adult mother of O. ocellatus was 56-57 days after spawning at 11.0-20.4℃. Therefore, the incubation time required for hatching by female adult mother varied with Octopodidae species. In this studies, each ovarian egg laid by a female was connected to an egg string attaching to the surface of the wall or bottom of vacunt shell of Rapana venosa. Egg and embryonic developments of this species were studied in the indoor aquaria, in the specific gravity ranging 1.024-1.025. the hatched juvenile of O. ocellatus is 10.3 mm in the mean total length and 4.5 mm in mantle length, and each of its short arms has 18-20 suckers. The just hatched juvenile larvae of O. ocellatus enter the benthic mode of life (benthic larval stage) after hatching. In particular, regarding differences in ecological characteristics of the mode of life according to total numbers of the suckers, O. vulgaris may not need to have many suckers because they enter the planktonic mode of life after hatching, however O. ocellatus may need to have many suckers, because they should adapt to the benthic mode of life. And also the just hatched juvenile larvae of O. minor (bearing many suckers more than O. ocellatus) enter the benthic mode of life (benthic larval stage) after hatching. Therefore, the total number of the suckers on each short arm of the hatched juvenile larvae can be used for determining whether an octopus species has planktonic larval stages or benthic larval stage (benthic mode of life). In particular, The intracohort cannibalism phenomena appeared at the hatched juvenile larval stage because the larval stage of O. ocellatus and O. minor enter into the benthic larval stage in the early stage, unlike entering into the plaktonic larval stage in other Octopus species such as O. vulgaris: at this time, the early hatched larvae fed the late hatched larvae (they are the same species and almost same ages). Therefore, the intracohort cannibalism pheneomena occur in the just hatched juvenile stage of only O. ocellatus and O. minor.
In addition to the Arcidae (Lutaenko, 2015), a collection of Mytilidae, Ungulinidae and Tellinidae from Japan, identified by the German malacologist C.E. Lischke, was found and studied at the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. This collection is very important for regional malacological studies in Japan, Korea and China as it contains type material and vouchers. Syntypes of Mytilus atratus Lischke, 1871 (= Xenostrobus atrata (Lischke, 1871)) and vouchers of Tellina diaphana Deshayes, 1855 (= Serratina diaphana (Deshayes, 1855)), Tellina nitidula Dunker, 1860 (= Nitidotellina hokkaidoensis (Habe, 1961)), and “Diplodonta orbella Gould, 1851” (= Diplodonta gouldi Yokoyama, 1920)) are figured with taxonomic and nomenclatural comments. No other voucher or type specimens used in the compilation of the Japanische Meeres-Conchylien were located in the entire bivalve collection.