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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Structural Analysis of Zn-Ni electrodeposition

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
1999, v.12 no.1, pp.40-46
Lee, D.H.
Park, S.H.
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Zn-Ni alloy electrodeposition on steel has been examined by means of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The effect of current density, <TEX>$Ni^{2+}$</TEX> ion concentration, and <TEX>$Cl^-$</TEX> ion concentration on the structure as well as morphology of the electrodeposit have been studied. The Ni content of the electrodeposit increased with decreasing current density in the range studied in this work. The Ni content of the electrodeposit also increased with increasing <TEX>$Ni^{2+}$</TEX> ion and <TEX>$Cl^-$</TEX> ion concentrations. The structure change of the electrodeposit was closely related to the Ni content. In fact, the mixture phase of <TEX>${\eta}$</TEX> and <TEX>${\gamma}$</TEX> was found below 10 wt.% of Ni while the <TEX>${\gamma}$</TEX> phase only was observed above 10 wt.% of Ni. In addition, the lattice parameter, a, of then phase structure increased and the lattice parameter, c, of it decreased as the Ni content of the electrodeposit increased. The morphology of the electrodeposit varied from the plate-like shape to the fine granular shape depending upon the change in composition and structure of the electrodeposit.

Zn-Ni electrodeposition, crystal structure, morphology

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Analytical Science and Technology