- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
파장분산형 엑스선분광분석기에 의한 Xe의 전자탐침미세분석시 표준물질에 대해 기술하였다. 실험결과 순수금속 표준시편을 사용할 수 없는 Cs, I, Ba의 표준물질로는 Csl와 <TEX>$BaCO_3$</TEX>가 가장 적당한 것으로 나타났다. 빔전류량 10-30 nA에서 Csl, CsBr로부터 측정한 Cs의 엑스선 세기는 빔전류량에 비례하였다. PET 결정 사용시 In-Nd 원소들의 원자번호 대 엑스선 세기간의 직선성은 가속전압 25-30 kV 범위에서 직선회귀 계수 R
In this paper it was described on the standards for Xe analysis by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (WDS) of Electron Probe Micro Analyser. According to the experimental results, CsI and <TEX>$BaCO_3$</TEX> are appropriate compounds as standard specimen for Cs, I and Ba which has not suitable pure metal standards. In the beam current of 10-30 nA range, the Cs x-ray intensity measured from CsBr and CsI was proportional to the beam current. It was found that the linear regression factor R, showing the linearity between the atomic number and x-ray intensity between In and Nd elements, was higher than 0.99 at 25 kV and PET crystal. The caJlculated x-ray intensity of Xe standard from this linear regression equation was 1.095 times higher than that ofTe at 25 kV.