- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
지표수 중에 과염소산이온을 LC-ESI-MS/MS을 사용하여 분석하였다. 시료는 단지 PTFE 필터를 사용하여 거른 후 LC-ESI-MS/MS 시스템에 직접 주입하여 분석하였다. 이 방법은 3% 이내의 정밀도를 보였고 정량한계는 0.17 <TEX>${\mu}g/L$</TEX>이었다. 시료는 금강물 35 개 유역에서 2, 4, 6월에 각각 시료를 채취하였다. 그 결과 일반 하천수에서는 과염소산이온이 0.23-3.73 <TEX>${\mu}g/L$</TEX> (평균 0.20 <TEX>${\mu}g/L$</TEX>) 농도범위로 15% 빈도로 검출되었고 공단 근처의 지표수에서는 0.36-25.10 <TEX>${\mu}g/L$</TEX> (평균 1.69 <TEX>${\mu}g/L$</TEX>)로 36%의 빈도로 검출되었다.
A liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method (LC-ESI-MS/MS)was used for determining perchlorate in the Gum-River surface water. Sample was directly injected into LCESI-MS/MS after the filtrations using PTFE filter paper. The coefficient of variation of perchlorate was less than 3% and the limit of quantification was 0.17 μg/L. Water samples were collected from thirty-five basins of Gum-River on February, April and June 2012, respectively. As a result, perchlorate was detected in the concentration range of 0.23-3.73 μg/L (mean 0.20 μg/L) in the frequency of 15% in general surface water and in the concentration range of 0.36-25.10 μg/L (mean 1.69 μg/L) in the frequency of 36% in surface water samples near industry area.
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