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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Characterization of Asian dust using steric mode of sedimentation field-flow fractionation (Sd/StFFF)

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2012, v.25 no.6, pp.476-482

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Asian dust particles are known to have sizes ranging from a few nanometers up to about a few micrometers. The environmental and health effects depend on the size of the dust particles. The smaller, the farther they are transported, and the deeper they penetrate into the human respiratory system. Sedimentation field-flow fractionation (SdFFF) provides separation of nano to microparticles using a combination of centrifugal force and parabolic laminar flow in a channel. In this study, the steric mode of SdFFF (Sd/StFFF) was tested for size-based separation and characterization of Asian dust particles. Various SdFFF experimental parameters including flow rate, stop-flow time and field strength of the centrifugal field were optimized for the size analysis of Asian dust. The Sd/StFFF calibration curve showed a good linearity with R2 value of 0.9983, and results showed an excellent capability of Sd/StFFF for a size-based separation of micron-sized particles.The optical microscopy (OM) was also used to study the size and the shape of the dust particles. The size distributions of the samples collected during a thick dust period were shifted towards larger sizes than those of the samples collected during thin dust periods. It was also observed that size distribution of the sample collected during dry period shifts further towards larger sizes than that of the samples collected during raining period, suggesting the sizes of the dust particle decrease during raining periods as the components adsorbed on the surface of the dust particles were removed by the rain water. Results show Sd/StFFFis a useful tool for size characterization of environmental particles such as the Asian dust.

asian dust, particle size distribution, sedimentation/steric field-flow fractionation (Sd/StFFF)



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