- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
Hydrochar has been generated from food waste via hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) reaction. As asolid product of HTC reaction, hydrochar has a great potential as an adsorbent of pollutants from the various media. The surface area and pore volumes are very important parameters to be served as an adsorbent. It requires anexpensive equipment and consumes time to measure those parameter. Therefore, titration methods including iodineand methylene blue adsorption were evaluated to be correlated with that of BET analysis. Even though the absolutevalues of the computed surface area and pore volumes were not able to be matched directly, the patterns of changewere successfully correlated. Among the reaction conditions, the reaction time and temperature at 230 oC for 4 hwas determined as an optimization condition, which confirmed by titration method and BET analysis. Titrationmethod for surface area and pore volumes computed by combination of iodine and methylene blue adsorbing valueswould be a simple and fast way of determining the optimization condition for hydrochar as an adsorbent producedby HTC reaction
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