- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
Two extraction methods, liquid-liquid extraction(LLE) and solid-phase extraction(SPE), coupled with GC/MS were compared as preconcentration procedures for priority pollutants in water. Among the semi-volatile priority pollutants, 11 acid and 44 base/neutral compounds were spiked in reagent water. With LLE, which is a modification of EPA Method 625, the overall mean recovery of the 54 compounds was 91% with a mean relative standard deviation(RSD) of 4.6%. With SPE, the overall mean recovery of the 52 compounds was 53% with a mean RSD of 8.9%. The detection limits of both methods were in the range of <TEX>$1{\sim}5{\mu}g/l$</TEX>.