ISSN : 1738-3188
Nowadays identity of university rapidly shifts from ivory tower which seeking after truth to training center of high-grade human resources which market needs. University crisis is unavoidable in post-industrial society. Humanities crisis might be understood extension of that. Transformation of humanity to cultural content study in a sense inevitable. But I doubt humanities can bring cultural content specialists which market needs by extending research domain to new media. This article aims to reveal roles of humanities in training cultural content specialist and direction of humanities research for creating cultural content standing on my experiences of teaching KAIST Graduate School of Cultural Technology students. Humanities already have trained cultural content specialists such as novelists, screenplay writers before the concept of cultural content has established. In the age of analogue cultual content specialists just needed depth, but in the age of digital they need width as well as depth. For educating cultual content specialists humanities have to teach deep knowledge of humanities instead of extending research domain to new media. Humanities have to demolish inner barriers and return to original text.
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