ISSN : 1738-3188
Comics is representative popular culture, which makes communication of every social stratum possible. In addition, comics performs an important role as original creation source that can be adopted as diverse forms of creation in culture content industry application. As emergence of digital age, comics becomes to be published in the Web, which is called 'Web comics'. TheGreat Catsby is the first of this kind. Web comics becomes very popular due to its different features in formation and storytelling, and the explosive support of populace. In this paper, I derived the three characteristics of theGreat Catsby, which makes theGreat Catsby popular and successful. The first is the acquiring of lyricism by using features of Web media, the second is the organic layers of narrative and the third is the storytelling of internal growth of dramatics personae. The Great Catsby makes continuous reading possible by utilizing the scroll feature of Web media and generates the sensitive through spatial vacancy by deleting compartment. In addition, the Great Catsby maximizes visuality by drawing with color. The Great Catsbymakes the story more lively by entangling three sub-plots to the monotonic melodrama of main plot. Here, organic coupling of 'realistic layer', 'hypocritical layer', 'dreamlike layer; and 'exchange layer' increases the dramatic suspense of the Great Catsby. In addition, the Great Catsbyincludes the process of internal growth of dramatics personae in development of relationship with others.
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