ISSN : 1738-3188
1950s was intensity period with inharmoniousness of social ethics and desire, because of anxiety of existence, overflowing of enjoyment egoism result of rapid inflow of American culture and etc even except physical unfavorable conditions due to the war period. Lover which created in this period by Kim, Nae-Sung treats young intellectual peoples’ desire for love seriously from sight of view of social ethics and free will of individual. In other words, this work realize love or sexual desire as main factor to compose family as reappearance of present through ‘sein’(to be) characters such as myoungdong's style person, philosopher of sexual passion, and sincere moralist and etc, but also have negative distance with irrationalism of social ethics or systems surrounding family through ‘sollen’(ought to be) characters. Especially the closing structure with creation of sisterhood and martyrdom of romantic love is arranged with control discussion which planned division of sexual ranking and region inside of family. Through this kind of ending structure that this work reflects the present which females relate on sisterhood to correspond to such only accept sexual passion of love or keeping mistress, the conflict of the social ethics of patriarch is exposed. In the other sight of view, it means that the life of intellectual people in that period was relied on world recognition which was suspicious and critical through showing confusion & division of modern value. This work also expresses paradoxically that rule of monogamy couldn’t be legal protection inside of family system through a pair of reasonable lovers who has sexual desire and emotion of love chose death at the end due to the restriction of family system. In short, Lover accept mass prologues, but deny absolute things at the same time and consider phenomenon which fragmented and mattered as important provision to realize world, and show intention to esthetic modernity. Specially, differently from other mass literacy in same period, this work represented much through that the desire of individual character is not reverted in the frame of the dominant discourse of patriarch, that the characters is encapsulated in depth that they tend to live that period sincerely and have meaningful goals.
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