ISSN : 1738-3188
In this paper, the researcher has analyzed the geographical imagination and imperial mode inherent in the sight of travelers with a focus on the book written by Isabella Bishop about her travels during the modern period of enlightenment, and based on the results therefrom, the research also had identified epistemological placement of imperialism by discussing the representation system. Joseon recreated through the otherness is the subject to be improved further and is described as a domain which should be taken into the imperial nation-state, and at the same time it is reproduced as the space for the dissociation of consciousness of imperialist. Her epic story of travels reveals the hidden side of rationalization of imperialist paradigm through symbols that encode description and development potential which accompany idyllic scene and fantasy. Also, redefining race, ethnic group, and sexual identity through differentiation, this reinforces imperial hegemony by means of inculcating the masculinity of imperial nation-state. Therefore, it can be said that this travel book written by Bishop takes the place of promoting imperial reasons while showing the process of the hierarchy which is the multi-layered of European-style colonial policy.
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