ISSN : 1738-3188
In the 1970’s, Korean literary world and publication market were connected to each other. In the early 1970’s, because literary magazine was booming and as a popular literature, a series story in a newspaper had the power, literary world developed various response strategies such as the discussion of commercialism of popular literatures, forming the novella for setting up its cultural capital. The antagonism between existed literary world and members of literary coterie in new generation magazines and the conflict between populism of a series story in a newspaper and aesthetic serious caused subdivision of literature magazines and diversification of reading materials. In accordance with the single book system of publication market, this change in the field of literature caused expanding the market of popular literature. The revival of a series of novels in the 1970’s could be called as results from interests between Korean literary world and publication market. With giving values to the field of literature such as awarding the literary prize of Lee Sang, it could be proven by the fact a series of novels took the position as a best seller. In conclusion, because it broke a genre awareness as transition period of a full-length novel, it could have the limelight as a unique novel form. The process of this series of novels was caused by the ‘segment’ and the ‘chance’, features of a series of novels. When the method seeing the genre is understood, specific genre could be a specific speech on specific social reality. The meaning of a series of novels at that time is providing multiple views and interpretation on a social reality and expanding the prospect of the awareness. As understanding social problems at that time with multiple views, because it gave the chance adopting social problems at that time to the public, it is possible to find the fact a series of novels in the 1970’s had the meaning.
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