ISSN : 1738-3188
Novelist Young Moon Jung has tried to broaden the horizons of Korean literature during seventeen years since his debut. Before 2011 the year A World of Artificiality published, His novels has shown the quest for existence or the game of language. His writing of insignificance and uselessness, based on Kafka’s nihilism, faces the despair of the existence or confronts the meaninglessness of life. Therefore Jung’s novels have been understood as the contradiction, conflict and struggle between novelist and the world. His progress from the earlier work view and new generation lets him attract an attention. In A World of Artificiality which is the turning point work in his writing, the ideological expression of the inaction appears deeply. His writing, having been against artificiality and civilization, revolves from the human centrism to the nature centrism and ultimately returns to the original human nature. The Inaction appeared by protagonist in A World of Artificiality exposes innocence like a child. It is abstract as mist, flows like stream and is created with the face of the nature. He resists against the actual reality adopting ‘doing nothing but not doing nothing.’ He dreams the absolute freedom through ‘peripatetic enjoy.’ In A World of Artificiality, The human’s desire that makes him carry on the artificial life is sublimated to the pleasure. It becomes possible through protagonist’s imagination of self-renunciation and writing of pleasure. Jung floats and changes himself in A World of Artificiality. I analyze A World of Artificiality through Asian thought, especially Taoism. A World of Artificiality is the world of inaction and fiction. Jung’s writing becomes the best way that the people, being confronted with the life that is made by artificiality, could carry on his life with maintaining his nature.
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