ISSN : 1738-3188
The purpose of this study is to investigate the aspect of time transcendence, its implicit emotional motive and symbolic meaning from recently released Hollywood SF movie narrative. Narrative access to virtual time or space through a scientific fiction has stimulated an expectation and belief about the potential possibility of human being that was not yet implemented. Science fiction, which has played a pivotal role as a spearhead with establishing a full-scale genealogy from 19th century, deeply inspires many scientists with an innovative hypothesis, metaphors, and the theories to support the hypothesis. However, the reason that this genre could cause a huge social sensation of the time is due to a precise analysis on problems facing the era, and an insight enabled it. Time transcendence in narrative was no exception. Time transcendence as a theme or partial motif, which was borrowed in many works already and built its frame, has been repeated many variations in its history and meaning. Particularly, if 『The Time Machine』 of Herbert George Wells had a classic role in time transcendence genre with building a dystopian world-view on the future landscape and criticizing a moral hazard and an expansion of the capital accelerated by the Industrial Revolution in the end of 19th century, Hollywood has released steadily SF movies related to time transcendence starting from 1960s, and leads a time transcendence narrative genre in the 21st century with the superior imaging technology and time-based discourse. For example, a series of works released since 2010, like Source Code」(2011), 「Edge of Tomorrow」(2014) and 「Interstellar」(2014), have inherited the spirit of times and will diagnose the upcoming future with different scientific motifs & alternatives, along with self-reflection.
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