ISSN : 1738-3188
This novel examines the Korean receptiveness and characteristics of “Daemang,” the Korean translated version of “Tokugawa Ieyasu” by Yamaoka Sohachi. “Daemang,” which was translated by Jae-hee Park and published in a series of 20 books in 1970, was then published in a series of 32 books in total by including the works by other authors. Currently, this novel is being distributed in the market in a series of 36 books that were published in 2005. For this translated version, up to vol.12 is “Tokugawa Ieyasu” by Yamaoka Sohachi, and the rest is the works by Yoshikawa Eiji and Shiba Ryotaro. In 2000, the entire 32 books of “Tokugawa Ieyasu,” which was translated by Gil-jin Lee and used the same title of the original book, were published after making the official license contract with Japan. In addition, there are numerous other translated versions of “Daemang” or “Tokugawa Ieyasu” that have a different number of books, and the digest version and the translated version “compiled into one book” were also published. Yet, “Tokugawa Ieyasu” by Yamaoka Sohachi first passes as “Daemang” in Korea. The novel was titled “Daemang” to express the wish of the original author who wrote it while pursuing ‘survival’ and ‘peace.’ However, “Daemang” was accepted as symbolizing Tokugawa Ieyasu’s ‘Great Ambition.’ This book was treated as Tokugawa Ieyasu by the mass media due to the hostility toward Japanese culture, but captivated public readers as a book for experience and knowledge in life and textbook for the art of living. It was read widely across all generations, especially by company CEOs and politicians. This stemmed from readers’ desire to learn the “Daemang” of company and state management, which manage humans, through “Tokugawa Ieyasu” by Yamaoka Sohachi.
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