ISSN : 1738-3188
This study aims to criticize on conceptual ambiguity and arbitrariness of Lee O-Young’s Digilog. The word has disparate origins, digital and analog. Generally these words were considered as contradict concepts. But their historical, etymological relation had been rather continuous and extensive each other. The term ‘Digilog’ is an empty signifier about Korean self-representation. Lee O-Young did not talk about digital, analog and digilog in this book. His argument moves liberal possibilities in digital technological advances to national oppression based on the discourse of Korean’s Cultural Meme. Like the analysis on movies ‘Wild wild west’ and ‘Avengers 2’, the question is that technology is an essential element to form humanity in present. Those images of machine-human interaction or cyborg make be implosive common ideas on the relation of analog and digital.
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