ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper is to be basis on the 70s youth culture, which was but only cult not also resistance on the 'things Korean'. The small theatre was made in the topological cultural situation as a counter-space in 70s. Looking into the topological condition that made it possible for the small theatre to come into being and to persist is important for reconsidering the value of 70s theatre history. The invention of 'things Korean' was for overcoming political and social crisis by the way of making new human type and culture. The purpose of censorship and enforcement against popular culture including youth culture was regulating desire and emotion of masses transforming nationalistic human type. Unlike invention of government and older generation, a masses construct their own desire and social identity by consuming the popular mass culture, for example, hostress melo movie, television drama, new performance. The youths' characteristics as cultural subjects gave them distinctive and advantageous access to specific cultural forms which was overlapped the tradition and its self-conquest. While consuming various media, popular pop music and style, the youths were able to dissolve the sensibilities of regression and get the meaningful resistance, that is, "they stand with decay against disquieting." The new performance in the small theatre Ejotto was a big success as the 'Snake' was performed. The audiences was mostly university students, who were constructed youth culture structure 70s. For all that the Ejotto was thrown up the popularity to save the identity of small theatre. This is the reason the evaluation to the small theatre of 70s can be reconsidered.
『공연과 리뷰』
4대 일간지
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