ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper analyzes the of backpacking in tvN’s <Grandpas Over Flowers> series, and then studies the character strategy and the reality of entertainment program. The program differentiated Grandpas with a unique character Unlike the real image of the actors, and succeeded to character setting by developing the character of porter serves as a guide. The narrative features of the entertainment <Grandpas Over Flowers> as a reality show to observe 24 hours are narrative strategy of combining showing characters and speaking with the subtitle. The second feature is presenting to the type of Korean real variety by combining the entertainment and narrative of travel. The breaking down boundaries between performers and producers and the pursuit of an interactive narrative are the another narrative features. It is the travelogue of Multimedia ages utilizing high technology. The Homology with travel and broadcasting as a non-linear narrative of the open end is the feature of the program too. Also it seeks to humanity's empathy and communication as a narrative of self-reflection. The travel in <Grandpas Over Flowers> seeks solidarity between colleagues and same generation. It's as strong a sense of time, rather than spatial purposes to understand other cultures and meeting with local life. So ‘Grandpas Over Flowers’ means ‘Narrative Over Flowers’. We can see the way of reading travel in TV Reality Entertainment by naming the word ‘Narrative Over Flowers’.
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