ISSN : 1738-3188
Sunjung Manhwa is a comics which definitely distinguishes another ones. It was born under the name of Shojo Manga in Japan, and it developed in East Asia including Korea under the influence of Japan. Thus, Sunjung Manhwa got ratings for imitation of Japanese comics for a long time. Shojo Manga was received by readers a short time. Korean readers received Shojo Manga naturally and rapidly. I raise a question of whether this phenomenon is simplified as the influence of Japanese comics. This study starts from a question that Korean readers would have shared the features and sensibility of Shojo Manga. This article supplements preceding researches by this time, and considers relationships between Sunjung Manhwa and Shojo Manga by and large. I studies magazines which have been neglected in comics studies up to date. I analyses how girl's magazines represent a social aspect at that time. Furthermore, this paper examines how a unique sensibility of Sunjung Manhwa was formed as a result. This essay makes a comparison between the major characteristics of Korean and Japanese girl's magazines and their serial comics. In addition, it investigates popular sensibilities that Korean and Japanese readers share. Moreover, I analyses that these sensibilities influence later authors and their works, and illuminates the roles of girl's magazines in the process that Sunjung Manhwa and Shojo Manga were generalized.
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