ISSN : 1738-3188
This article examined the role and meaning of space in the movie Doubt. In this article, I considered how the characters’ actions and the flow of events interact with space and implement the message of this movie. The movie Doubt is relatively in terms of limited time and space, characters, and objects, but it generates tension and excitement. The narrative tension that characterizes the work is formed through the fierce and persistent conflicts and confrontations of the characters, and it is constructed by the space in this work and the meaning of the props that fill the space. The cathedral, the principal-saint room, and the classroom, which are the main spaces of the film, highlight the narrative existence of each of the three main characters. Other places, such as restaurants, access roads, and gardens, also play an important role in the film narrative. These spaces in this movie are imbued with meaning and elements like power, conflict, hierarchy, and discipline. The development of the narrative of the movie Doubt is a spatial composition and arrangement. From the point of view of the story, the frequency, rhythm and order of the appearance of specific places, such as the church chapel, the principal-saint room, restaurant, and garden is very effective. The narrative of the movie Doubt is constructed through the symmetrical, cross-over arrangement and composition of space and objects.
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