This study discusses fanfiction as a form of contemporary popular literature and the different narrative elements that typically serve to generate works of fanfiction. The study examines principles of fanfiction generation in relation to the possible world theory of Lubomir Dolozel and Marie-Laure Ryan.They stated that the possible world which success a particular protoworld is created by quotation, transposition, displacement, and expansion of the precedent world. There are four common types of fanfiction, each of which either preserves or transforms characters or worlds. What is known as “after” fanfiction preserves both characters and worlds while extrap olating upon narrative in terms of time and space. “Self-insert” fanfiction reflects the desires of users to enter the world of a given story. “Crossover” fanfiction arises from the desire to mix different story worlds together, while “alternate universe” fanfiction reconstructs worlds through the user's imagination. This study will examine the generating principles of fanfiction by examining various reproduction patterns across each of its forms. The study concludes that fanfiction is predominantly generated in relation to developing aspects of characters and worlds.
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