ISSN : 1738-3188
This article aimed to look into the representative objects of Korean literature in the 1970s when the era of criticism opened. I have reviewed the representation framework of Korean literature and its critique from a gender perspective. How do we find missing point and excluded spaces in literary criticism based on the gender perspective? A Reading literature from a gender perspective is not about studying female characters or looking at female novelists’ viewpoints. It means examining the gendered nature in the expressed reality. Accordingly, I examined the horizon of critical discourse, focusing on novels that were selected or discussed as representative works by critics around the 1970s. Concretely, I reviewed of Bang Young-woong’s novel titled “A Bunye story” and Hwang Seok-yeong’s novel titled “A strange land” from a gender perspective. As a result, It was possible to capture the hidden points by the representation framework of Korean literature and to confirm the possibility of new understanding of the representation framework itself.
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