ISSN : 1738-3188
This study proposes the concept of Bachchin’s Chronotope as a tool for analyzing coevolution between the genre of the epic and society. Bachchin says through the concept of chronotope, literary works are on the foundation on which the axs of time and space intersect, and the literary works standsuch intersections are always conversing with social and historical chronotopes and mutually penetrating. Thus, finding and analyzing chronotope in literary works and extended things such as films and dramas reveals how chronotope and chronotope of a society have created specific social realities through a process of resonance. To make analytical use of this concept, we proposed a “cronotope drama analysis method” and concretely analyzed the genre of Korean medical dramas. The naturalized categories of health care, health, and disease are socially constructed entities, and the analysis of public works that has a significant impact on this process of social construction is essential but was underperformed. According to the analysis, the Korean medical drama’s “Chronotope” has evolved using “Chronotope of the school” and “Chronotope of the secret chamber”. At this time, the genre of Chronotope was expanding spatially and converging in time. In other words, the influence of structures and systems within the genre has grown, and the capacity of individual actors has decreased. This change in chronotope was interpreted as resonating with the social reality of neo-liberalistic spatial expansion and simultaneous production. The neo-liberalistic trend that dominates Korean society has embraced the category of health care and was further influencing the chronotope of drama text. It can also be inferred that the popular understanding of health care produced by the medical drama genre has taken a break in the process of forming a social reality of health care again.
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